
发布日期:2016-12-13 04:56    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院


地点:国家发展研究院 朗润园 万众楼小教室

主讲人: Fwu-Chang Yan


Title: Can Electricity Trade Reduce Carbon Emissions without Harming Economic Growth?

Author: Chiu Yu Ko (NUS, Singapore) and Fwu-Chang Yan (HBUE, China) 


Abstract: An open-economy model is studied by considering two types of final goods (manufactured with either clean or dirty intermediate goods) along with electricity. It is shown that electricity trade may reduce the demand for electricity generated from fossil fuels. Under fossil fuels dependency, lower demand for the electricity generated from fossil fuels may cause the constriction of dirty intermediate goods sector relative to clean intermediate goods sector by lowering the profit rate of fossil fuels suppliers. Sustained growth can take place with carbon reduction if there is sufficiently high electricity generated from alternative energy to stabilize electricity supply.