
发布日期:2017-03-29 08:47    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院




题目:Complementarity between online and offline businesses

摘要:We illustrate two layers of complementarity between online and offline markets. First, the online shop helps sell to consumers that are too costly to reach by offline shops. Secondly, when online consumers are uncertain about the product quality, offline shops generate an informed-consumer base which allows the online price to credibly reveal quality. When the quality types are sufficiently differentiated, social learning helps reduce the number of physical shops required for the online price to be informative. When the quality difference is small, for the online price to be informative, the firm not only needs social learning to be strong, but also needs the consumer base that generates social learning to be small.

主讲人简介:中国人民大学经济学院副教授。2004年获得武汉大学商学院学士学位。2006年获得武汉大学经济管理学院硕士学位。2007年获得法国图卢兹经济学院硕士学位,并于2007-2010获法国政府科研基金,2010-2011获图卢兹经济学院颁发的拉丰奖学金。2011年获得图卢兹经济学院经济学博士学位,导师是David Martimort。研究领域包括契约理论,产业组织,风险和不确定性等。目前担任国际学术期刊Journal of Economics (SSCI)的副编辑(Associate Editor)。
