
发布日期:2018-10-08 09:42    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

微观经济学workshop: Competitive Advertising and Pricing




主讲人:Ilwoo Hwang(A.P., University of Miami)

题目:Competitive Advertising and Pricing

  作者: Raphael Boleslavsky, Ilwoo Hwang, and Kyungmin Kim (University of Miami)   摘要: We consider an oligopoly market in which each firm decides not only its price but also how much information about its product to reveal to consumers. Utilizing a recently developed technique in information design, we fully characterize symmetric pure-strategy market equilibria of this game. We illustrate how a firm’s advertising strategy is shaped by its pricing decision and how the equilibrium advertising level depends on the underlying distribution of consumers’ true values. A direct but important corollary of our analysis is that more intense competition (more firms in the market) induces each firm to reveal more product information.   主讲人信息: Ilwoo Hwang is an assistant professor in economics at the University of Miami. He received Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania in 2014. His research interests include microeconomic theory, game theory, and their applications.