
发布日期:2018-11-02 01:50    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

The Long-term Effect of Early Adversity on Mental Well-being: Evidence from the 1959-1961 Great Famine in China


时间: 2018年11月2日(周五)14:00 – 15:30

地点: 北大国发院万众楼小教室

主持人: 雷晓燕、张丹丹、赵耀辉

报告人: 叶茂亮

摘要: This paper employs the difference-in-differences and instrumental variable methods to quantify the long-term effect of the 1959-1961 Great Famine in China on mental well-being of the survivors, which we use depression, happiness, and life satisfaction as the proxies. We find that, exposure to the Great Famine in the prenatal and early childhood caused significantly negative effects on mental well-being outcomes after half a century. Our results survive various robustness checks. Moreover, the negative effects on mental well-being hold even after we adjust for physical health and social-economic outcomes, which may imply a direct impact of psychological trauma.

报告人简介:Maoliang Ye is an associate professor at the School of Economics and Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics of Xiamen University. He got his Ph.D. degree in Public Policy from Kennedy School of Government and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University in 2012, and worked at Renmin University of China from 2012 to 2015. His research interests fall into the fields of behavioral & experimental economics, public economics, labor economics, development economics, and political economy. He is currently working on pro-social behavior (e.g., voluntary provision of public goods, cooperation, and coordination), team work, social preferences, subjective well-being, mental health, income distribution, as well as economic and political psychology (especially regarding inequality, fairness, distribution, redistribution, governmental taxation and expenditures, and the role of government). His research has been published or accepted in international journals such as Management Science, Journal of Comparative Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, and Social Indicators Research.