
发布日期:2018-11-13 10:28    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

微观经济学workshop:  Shopping Cost and Multi-Seller Agglomeration




题目: Shopping Cost and Multi-Seller Agglomeration

  摘要: We provide a theory of seller agglomeration from the perspective of standard multiproduct pricing. When consumers face a shopping cost (e.g., due to transportation) to access a group of sellers (e.g., those clustering in a downtown shopping area or a mall) who face otherwise independent demands, it creates complementarity across all these sellers, and their equilibrium prices are too high from a joint-profit maximization perspective. Raising the number of sellers increases all existing sellers' profits and generates an endogenous positive network externality that naturally gives rise to multi-seller agglomeration. Conversely, a negative shopping cost (e.g., air conditioning, free gifts and other amenities provided by a shopping mall) creates substitutability across sellers, resulting in equilibrium prices that are too low. With a negative shopping cost, raising the number of sellers reduces seller profits and generates a negative network externality. We also examine how the addition of new sellers affects the coordination problem amongst sellers.

关键词: shopping cost, agglomeration, multiproduct pricing

主讲人信息: Gao is an Assistant Professor from Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University.

Professor Gao received his Ph.D. in Economics from London Business School, and B.A. in Economics (with Distinction) from Tsinghua University.

His main research area is applied industrial organization theory, including two-sided market theory, platform pricing, multi-product pricing and behavioral IO theories. His recent work is published in International Economic Review. His research projects have been endorsed by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the State Education Ministry of China, and the Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program.

His current research projects include membership pricing by the host organization of a group of non-collusive sellers (such as a shopping mall); pricing by “mixed” two-sided platforms (such as Uber, Alipay and Taobao.com); welfare analysis of platforms' non-price discriminatory practices (such as app platforms' review policy and media censorship); and how sellers can profit from consumer sophistication of certainty bias and present bias, etc. (See 'Publications' and 'Projects' tabs for details.)

Webpage: http://www.sem.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/gaom