
发布日期:2018-10-15 11:13    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

时间:2018年10月16日(周二)10:30 am-12:00 pm


主持人:余淼杰 余昌华 王歆

主讲人: Treb Allen (Dartmouth College)

题目:Border Walls (joint with Melanie Morten and Caue Dobbin)


摘要:What are the economic impacts of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico? In this paper, we use detailed data on bilateral migration flows of workers both within and between three thousand regions in the U.S. and Mexico to understand how a substantial expansion of the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico between 2007-2010 affected migration flows. We then combine these estimates with a general equilibrium spatial model featuring multiple labor types and a flexible underlying geography to quantify the economic impact of the wall expansion. Finally, we compare the economic impact of the wall expansion to a counterfactual policy which instead reduced trade costs between the U.S. and Mexico. We show that while both policies reduced low-skilled migration from Mexico the U.S., reducing trade costs increased real GDP in both countries, the border wall expansion shifted economic activity to Mexico, reducing reduced real GDP in the U.S.

主讲人简介:Treb Allen is the Distinguished Associate Professor of Economics and Globalization at Department of Economics, Dartmouth College. He received his PhD from Yale University in 2012. He has published in Quarterly Journal of Economics, Econometrica, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Development Economics, et.al.