
发布日期:2018-10-08 05:37    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

A Review of Research on Business Exit:


A Real Options Perspective


HAN Xia, Xie Xuanli and MA Hao


Time: October 11th, 2018(Thursday) 12:30-14:00

Location: 611A Classroom, National School of Development, Peking University

Speaker: HAN Xia

     PhD Candidate of Strategic Management

     National School of Development, Peking University




As parts of corporate strategy that is largely concerned with the definition of a firm’s scope of operation, entry and exit decisions are of prime importance to the viability of its business portfolio. While the entry decisions are often associated with projected opportunities and expected gains, the exit decisions are often being associated to threats or business failures. As such, not surprisingly, in the strategic management literature, studies abound in the examination of the entry decisions and their respective antecedents, processes, and consequences. However, exit decisions, relatively speaking, attracted less attention.

Moreover, extant research tends to treat business exits as primarily failures or responses to failures, despite increasing attention to the fact that a firm could use business exit as a proactive strategic choice to reconfigure its resources and capabilities as well as to seize and exploit new market opportunities. Building on such a proactive perspective, we hope to present a more balanced view of business exit. Specifically, we advocate the use of the real options approach to the study of business exit and suggest new avenues for future research.




关键词:业务退出 实物期权 剥离 业务抛售 再聚焦 去多元化


