
发布日期:2016-12-05 05:33    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

Mating Motive & Variety Seeking

Speaker: CHEN Rui, Assistant Professor at Department of Advertising, School of Journalism and Communication, Xiamen University

Time: December  8st (Thursday) 9:00am-10:30am

Location: 致福轩会议室,National School of Development, Peking U.



Attitudes about commitment can affect consumers' variety-seeking behavior. In the mating domain, short-term mating cues tend to activate an uncommitment mind-set in men and lead them to seek greater variety in romantic relationships; whereas long-term mating cues tend to activate a commitment mind-set in women and lead them to seek less variety. In this research, we explore whether short-term and long-term mating cues can likewise affect variety-seeking behavior in the product consumption domain through their influence on commitment attitude. In three experiments,we demonstrate that men's variety-seeking behavior increases in the presence of short-term but not long-term mating cues; conversely, women's variety-seeking behavior decreases in the presence of long-term but not short-term mating cues. These effects are caused by attitude toward commitment induced by mating cues. Past research concerning this topic has focused on one gender and on short-term mating cues only, but in this paper we provide a more complete picture—and a more coherent theory—of how, via influencing commitment attitude, mating cues affect variety seeking behavior differently in men than in women.



厦门大学广告学系助理教授,清华大学市场营销系博士。主要关注配偶寻求动机、女性生理周期对个体消费决策行为的影响。陈瑞在《International Handbook of Consumer Psychology》一书中著有“Sex drive and consumer decision making”的专著章节;另外关于女性生理周期的研究课题受到国家自然科学基金资助;相关研究成果发表Journal of Consumer Psychology上,并被《清华管理评论》、果壳网报道,阅读量在10W以上。陈瑞在博士研究生期间,连续三年获得中国营销科学学术年会的博士生论坛优秀论文、大会优秀论文。




Speaker: 李平,西交利物浦大学国际企业管理终身正教授

Time: December  8st (Thursday) 12:30pm-14:00pm

Location: Wanzhong Building(万众小教室)National School of Development, Peking U.



Purpose – The author argues and explains that the indigenous Eastern epistemological system of Yin-Yang balancing should be taken as a novel system or frame of thinking, which is deeply rooted in the indigenous Eastern culture traditions, but it has significant global implications, especially in the domain of paradox management. The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to provide a detailed elaboration of the indigenous Eastern epistemological system of Yin-Yang balancing in contrast to the Western logic systems; and second, to provide a roadmap for applying the system of Yin-Yang balancing to complex issues in the area of management, in general, and paradoxical issues, in particular.



李平 [Peter Ping Li]是西交利物浦大学国际企业管理终身正教授。他也是丹麦「哥本哈根商学院国际经济与管理系」的中国企业管理领域终身正教授。曾为下乡知青的李平教授对中国现代国情有着独特的深刻认识。此外,对中国传统哲学研究颇深的李平教授对中国历史国情也有着独特的全面理解。


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