
发布日期:2016-11-30 11:13    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院


地点:国家发展研究院 朗润园 万众楼小教室

主讲人: Don Roberts


International Experience with Auctions for Renewable Energy: Lessons for China


 Global installed capacity of non-hydro renewable energy has grown dramatically over the last decade from ~900GW to ~1.6TW, and mostly in the form of wind and solar power. In terms of nominal U.S. dollars, global investment in the renewable energy sector has risen from ~$40 billion in 2004 to a record high of ~$330 billion in 2015. China is now the leading investor, accounting for ~$110 billion of last year’s total.  When governments decided to stimulate the massive increase in renewable energy capacity, the policy tool of choice was the non-competitive allocation of administered feed-in tariffs (FITs). The decision to subsidize new capacity through the use of FITs reflected the desire to quickly spur the development of a new industry which lacked experience and hard data.  However, the absolute value of the subsidy has increased significantly with the rapid expansion of renewable energy capacity and depressed prices for conventional fossil fuel.  In 2015 it is estimated that China’s annual renewable energy subsidies were approaching ~$10 billion, while Germany’s were as high as ~$25 billion.  The cost of generating renewable electricity has also fallen dramatically. Auctions are an alternative to FITs as a mechanism for allocating renewable energy subsidies and power-purchase agreements. However, auctions are still not widely deployed.  It is estimated that they have contributed to less than 10% of the global renewable energy capacity in any one year.

The focus of this workshop is to address the following questions:

·         Why are auctions increasingly being used as an alternative to FITS to support investment in renewable energy?

·         What are the various forms of auctions?

·         As we experiment with auctions, what does the international experience tell us about:

o    The impact on renewable energy prices?

o    The implications for the structure of the power industry?

o    The best practices with respect to the design of auctions?



Don Roberts;   Visiting Scholar, China Center for Energy and Development, Peking University;    Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia;   CEO, Nawitka Capital Advisors Ltd. Further biographical details on Don Roberts can be found through Nawitka’s website  http://www.nawitka.com/our-leadership