
发布日期:2016-11-16 05:48    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院


地点:国家发展研究院 朗润园 万众楼小教室

主讲人: Don Roberts


The Economics of Renewable Energy: An Empirical Perspective.


Some of the questions to be addressed in the seminar include:


What are the investment trends in renewable energy, and what is driving it?  What is the cost of renewable energy around the world, and how is it changing over time? How are we dealing with the issue of intermittency in the solar and wind markets, and how is the cost of power storage changing?



Don Roberts;   Visiting Scholar, China Center for Energy and Development, Peking University;    Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia;   CEO, Nawitka Capital Advisors Ltd. Further biographical details on Don Roberts can be found through Nawitka’s website  http://www.nawitka.com/our-leadership