
发布日期:2016-11-14 03:11    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

Endowments, Factor Prices, and Skill-Biased Technology:

Linking HOV and Development Accounting

Presenter: Daniel Trefler
Timing: November 16, 2016, 10:30-12:00 am

Address:Zhifuxuan (致福轩) Classroom, National School of Development, Peking University


Why are there such large international differences in unit input requirements of skilled and unskilled labor? Is it substitution effects associated with international differences in productivity adjusted factor prices or is it factor-augmenting international technology differences?  If the latter why do technologies differ? To answer these questions we develop a parsimonious general equilibrium HOV model featuring international technology differences and a failure of productivity-adjusted factor price equalization. Using 2006 WIOD data for 38 countries, the model fits three equations very well: (1) unit factor demands, (2) factor-market clearing, and (3) a Vanek factor-content equation that is consistent with product market clearing. We find key roles for both factor-augmenting international technology differences, substitution effects (failure of FPE), and nontraded government services. The failure of FPE is explained by international differences in endowments and technology. Our estimated technology parameters are consistent with those found in (1) the development accounting literature (unskilled and especially skilled labor are more productive in rich countries) and (2) the directed technical change literature (innovation is directed towards the relatively abundant factors).


【Introduction of presenter】

        Daniel Trefler is J. Douglas and Ruth Grant Canada Research Chair in Competitiveness and Prosperity at Rothman School of Management, Univeristy of Toronto.

        Trefler is associated with many research organizations. In Canada, he is a Senior Research Fellow at the remarkable Canadian Institute for Advanced Studies (CIFAR), a research fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute and serves as an advisor to the Institute for Competitiveness & Prosperity. Internationally, he is a research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge, Mass.), the Centre for Policy Research (Europe), and the International Growth Centre (London, England). 

        Trefler has been a long-standing co-editor at the Journal of International Economics, the top-ranked journal in his field since 2006. He also served on the Editorial Board of the American Economic Association’s Journal of Economic Literature (2010-2013).

Trefler has received all three major awards of the Canadian Economics Association (the Harry Johnson Prize, the John Rae Prize, and the Innis Lecture, the latter in recognition of contributions to economics in the broadest sense).  His advocacy on behalf of children earned him the NomaMcDonald Award from the Canadian Paediatric Society. He was the 2011 Ohlin Lecturer (Stockholm), the most internationally prestigious lecture in his core field of international economics. He has received major funding from SSHRC (continuously since 1993) and the U.S. National Science Foundation.

        Trefler has given countless public lectures and seminars around the world, including Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, Chicago, Yale, LSE and Peking University. In Canada, he gives public lectures and keynote speeches from coast to coast.

        He makes frequent media appearances both in Canada and abroad, including a term as an invited columnist at the Globe & Mail, Canada’s largest circulation newspaper.