
发布日期:2016-10-24 11:10    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

Is network resource acquisition a missing link between EO and new venture performance?

Speaker: Liu Heng, assistant professor at Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University

Time: October 27th (Thursday) 12:30pm-14:00pm

Location: Wanzhong Building(万众小教室)National School of Development, Peking U.




This study applies a network approach to develop a model that highlights the role of resource acquisition through networks as an important mediating mechanism through which entrepreneurial orientation (EO) influences firm performance. This approach provides an alternative explanation for the divergent findings of the EO-performance relationship. We also investigate how business and political ties differently and configurationally shape the relationship between EO and network resource acquisition in an emerging economy. Empirical findings from a study of 251 firms provide general support for the hypotheses, highlighting the unique value of leveraging a network approach to reconsider the performance-enhancing mechanism of EO.



刘衡,工商管理博士后,全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖获得者。2011年加入中山大学岭南(大学)学院,现任副教授,兼任战略与竞争力中心研究员。研究兴趣集中于战略与创新创业话题。他担任Asia Pacific Journal of Management编委,是国际AOM、SMS和IACMR协会会员,发表的论文包括:UT-Dallas期刊: Journal of Operations Management, 英国商学院协会ABS高星期刊: Management and Organization Review, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research等。主持多项国家自科面上、青年项目等基金课题。


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