
发布日期:2016-10-10 08:29    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院




主讲人:石菊 (北京大学) 


Topic :

Modeling Individual Health Care Expenditures in China: Evidence to Assist Payment System Reform


In developing countries, both policymakers and researchers are interested in reforming the payment system from fee-for-service to more efficient alternative schemes. Using a large sample of administrative dataset in China, we examine a variety of econometric models in predicting individuals’ medical expenditures. By investigating a group of commonly applied measurements on model fit, it shows that the standard OLS model, along with another two model forms perform relatively well. Based on the regression results, we then propose two alternative payment schemes to compare with the current fee-for-service design. The first is a prospective model which is similar to the risk adjustment system in the U.S. and other countries, and the second incorporates both prospective and retrospective features. We simulate the corresponding payments based on model predictions. The results show that the first scheme generates less fluctuation on the payments, suggesting that it may be preferred by the policymakers to reform the system more smoothly.



Julie Shi currently is an assistant professor at School of Economics, Peking University. She obtained her PhD in Economics from Boston University, USA, in 2013. His research fields include Health Economics, Labor Economics, and Health System Reform. Shi’s research appears in the Journal of Health economics, American Journal of Health Economics, Statistics in Biosciences.