
发布日期:2016-09-26 09:37    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

时间:2016年9月27日(周二)10:30-12:00 am 地点:北大国发院/中国经济研究中心小教室 主持人:余淼杰 余昌华 王歆 主讲人:徐佳君  Paul Hubbard 题目:Structural change and rising wage costs in China: drivers of overseas direct investment for Chinese private and state-owned firms 摘要:China’s rapid industrialization was catalyzed by substantial foreign investment in export-oriented manufacturing sectors, and concentrated in China’s coastal regions. These regions are now China’s most developed with higher wage costs. One response to increased factor costs is to substitute into more capital intensive modes of production. Another is to shift production to inland areas within China, or lower-cost overseas economies, in turn potentially catalyzing their structural transformation. While Chinese overseas investment under the ‘going out’ policy was initially concentrated in state-dominated resource sectors, aggregate data after 2008 shows significant growth in investment from non-state sectors outside resources. This paper considers whether the extent to which this can be explained as a response by Chinese manufacturing firms to changes in factor costs. We match firm-level data until 2013 from China’s National Industrial Survey and Chinese Ministry of Commerce’s database of Overseas Direct Investment registration. We exploit regional variation in factor costs to test whether wage increases predict overseas investment. We then see whether the overseas investment decisions of SOEs differ from non-state companies on the basis of central- provincial- or local- state ownership.   主讲人简介: Dr. Jiajun Xu is an Assistant Professor and the Executive Deputy Director of the Centre for New Structural Economics at Peking University. Xu worked as a Junior Research Specialist at the United Nations’ High Level Panel Secretariat on the Post-2015 Development Agenda responsible for the research on development financing and South–South Cooperation. She also worked as an international consultant on debt sustainability in the World Bank and productive capacity building for least-developed countries at the UNDESA Committee for Development Policy Secretariat. She has published in academic journals in the field of international development, such as Journal of International Development and Institute of Development Studies Bulletin. Her upcoming book Beyond US Hegemony in International Development will be published by Cambridge University Press. Xu holds a DPhil (PhD) from the University of Oxford.   Mr. Paul Hubbard is a Sir Roland Wilson PhD Scholar at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National Student. His dissertation under the supervision of Professor Peter Drysdale focuses on the economics of state-owned enterprises in the Chinese economy. He also contributed to the recent Australia China Joint Economic Report, co-authored by the East Asia Bureau of Economic Research and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges. In 2015 he was a visiting scholar at the National School of Development, Peking University, was awarded a Pacific Trade and Development (PAFTAD) Fellowship for Young Scholars, and was a delegate to the 15th China Youth Economists Forum held at Xiamen University. He holds a Master of Arts in International Relationship from Syracuse University, NY, where he was a Fulbright Scholar. He is currently on leave from the Australian Treasury Department, which he joined in 2006.     注:请选新结构经济学workshop的同学到场登记,如果无法到场,请联系:job_guowei@163.com。