
发布日期:2016-06-02 04:28    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院




主讲人: 于丽(中央财经大学)

Topic: Life Expectancy, Education and Entrepreneurship in urban China

Abstract:The Mandatory Retirement Policy has been in effect since 1950 in urban China. When expected longevity increases, individual’s human capital investment and occupational choices may change too. The macro economic models link mortality rate (or life expectancy) to education and economic growth, arguing that saving for the old age consumption motives individuals to invest more in human capital. Cross-country evidence confirms that countries with higher longevity have more educated people. However, micro economic evidence is rather limited. Increased life expectancy also motives people to be self-employed such that timing of retirement is not affected by the policy. This paper aims to learn individual’s behaviors in education investment and entrepreneurship in the institutional context of the mandatory retirement. Using CFPS dataset, we apply a survival model to school drop out choice. Provincial level mortality rate upon school drop out decision is positively associated with school drop out, indicating that life expectancy incentivizes human capital investment. 

Speaker: 于丽,中央财经大学中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心副教授,2008年毕业于爱荷华州立大学经济系,获博士学位,并留校做博士后一年。她的研究方向主要是人力资本以及与人力资本相关的技术进步、企业规模、农村发展、劳动力转移和企业家才能。她目前的研究课题是企业进出入市场、企业家精神和中国劳动力市场。她的多篇文章发表在 Agricultural Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economics Letters, China Economic Review, Agricultural Economics 等期刊上。