
发布日期:2016-05-27 10:52    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院




主讲人: Sean Sylvia(中国人民大学)

Topic: The Quality of Primary Care in Rural China: Evidence from Standardized Patients

Abstract:We conducted an audit study across 210 townships in three provinces designed to examine the quality of primary care provided in China’s rural areas. "Standardized patients" were recruited from local communities and trained to covertly and consistently present cases of common diseases to healthcare providers in village clinics, township hospitals and county hospitals. Using data from more than 900 such interactions along with matching clinical vignettes, we evaluate the quality of primary care provided by rural physicians as well as the so-called “know-do” gap between physician knowledge and practice. We further present specific results on the use of anitibiotics, detection of tuberculosis cases, and results from embedded experiments testing the effects of de-linking drug sales from physician compensation on primary care quality. 

Speaker: Sean Sylvia is an Assistant Professor in the School of Economics at Renmin University of China and is affiliated with the Rural Education Action Program (REAP) at Stanford University. Sean’s research interests are in development and public economics. His work has focused on the delivery of basic services in China’s rural areas and migrant communities. In recent and ongoing projects, he has studied the use of performance incentives in public service delivery, healthcare quality in rural areas, early childhood interventions, and the effects of migration on children. Sean teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in development economics, the economic development of China, public economics and program evaluation.