
发布日期:2018-12-03 01:35    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院




主讲人:Guojun He

题目:Environmental Regulation and Firm Productivity: Estimates from a Regression Discontinuity Design

摘要:This paper estimates the effect of environmental regulation on firm productivity using a regression discontinuity design implicit in China’s water quality monitoring system. Because water quality readings are important for political evaluations, and the monitoring stations only capture emissions from their upstream regions, local governments are incentivized to enforce tighter environmental regulations on firms immediately upstream of a monitoring station, rather than those immediately downstream. Exploiting this discontinuity, we find that upstream firms’ TFP is 27% lower than that of downstream firms, indicating that China’s water-pollution abatement target (2016-2020) would lead to roughly one trillion Chinese Yuan loss in industrial output value.

主讲人简介:Guojun He is an assistant professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He holds concurrent appointment at the University of Chicago's Energy Policy Institute and serves as the research director of its China center. Before joining HKUST, he was a post-doctoral research fellow at Harvard University and obtained his Ph.D. degree from U.C. Berkeley. He received undergraduate education from School of Economics at Peking University. His research focuses on China’s environmental, development and health issues. More details can be found on www.guojunhe.com.