
发布日期:2018-12-10 04:37    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

Time: December 13th, 2018(Thursday) 12:30-14:00

Location: Zhifuxuan Meeting Room (致福轩会议室), National School of Development, Peking University

Speaker: Dr. Zhike Lei


 The error dilemma in organizations: Integrating competing priorities




Prevailing practices in organizations convincingly argue for a “both-and” approach to errors, meaning that organizations and their employees may simultaneously eliminate and welcome (and thus learn from) errors. Therefore, a team composition including two types of individuals – one focused on error avoidance and the other on learning – has been assumed to be optimal for minimizing team errors. We, however, propose that this combination may present an error dilemma that increases team errors. Building on theories of ambidexterity, goal orientation, error management, and team configuration, we investigate how strongly dual-goal (both avoidance and learning) oriented (SDGO) members on a team help to solve the error dilemma and reduce team errors. Using data collected from 685 employees in 58 teams from 4 organizations in Israel, we found that a high proportion of strongly performance avoidance oriented (SPAO) members, together with a high proportion of strongly learning goal oriented (SLGO) members, is positively or negatively associated with team errors depending on the proportion of SDGO members on a team. We explain the role of SDGO members with a moderated mediation model in which task information elaboration mediates the indirect relationship between SDGO members and team errors and moderates the interaction effect between SPAO and SLGO members on team errors.





Dr. Zhike Lei is an Associate Professor of Applied Behavior Science and the Director of the Center for Applied Research at the Graziadio Business School at Pepperdine University. Zhike received her PhD in Organizational Behavior from Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


As an organizational scholar, Zhike studies how organizations, work teams, and employees adapt and learn in complex, time-pressured, consequence-laden environments. Her work on team adaptation, psychological safety, and error management has been published in premier academic and management outlets, including the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, the Academy of Management Discoveries, Harvard Business Manager, and the Wall Street Journal. Zhike's research on team adaptation and team positivity has twice won the Best Paper Award from Group & Organization Management in 2017 and 2018. Her work on medical errors and error management has been recognized by prestigious awards and grants from the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Peter Curtius Foundation, and the Juran Center for Leadership in Quality at University of Minnesota, among others. Zhike serves on the editorial review board for premier management journals, including the Academy of Management Review and the Academy of Management Discoveries. She is a frequent speaker and panelist at leading research universities and academic conferences around the globe.


As a passionate educator, Zhike has taught PhD graduates and executives as well as MBA graduates and undergraduates. She has also served on the patient safety committee for major American and Chinese health information organizations.