
发布日期:2018-12-25 11:23    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

微观经济学workshop: Probabilistic Generalized Median Voter Scheme: A Robust Characterization




题目: Probabilistic Generalized Median Voter Scheme: A Robust Characterization

摘要:We study Random Social Choice Functions (or RSCFs) in a standard ordinal mechanism design model. 

We introduce a new preference restriction, eventually-single-peakedness. Arranging all alternatives on a underlying linear order , and fixing two distinct threshold alternatives  and   (given ), a preference is -eventually-single-peaked if it is single-peaked on the left interval  and the right interval . 

We first show that an unanimous RSCF is strategy-proof on the  -eventually-single-peaked domain if and only if it is a Probabilistic Generalized Median Voter Schemes (or PGMVS), and satisfies the partial-random-dictatorship condition when . 

Next, given , on the -eventually-single-peaked domain, we show that a strategy-proof PGMVS is decomposable, as a mixture of finitely many strategy-proof generalized median voter schemes (Moulin, 1980), only if it satisfies the scale-effect condition, construct a non-decomposable strategy-proof PGMVS for the case of more than two voters via the negation of the scale-effect condition,  and prove the decomposability of all two-voter strategy-proof PGMVSs. 

Last, we illustrate the salience of our eventual-single-peakedness and the robustness of our PGMVS characterization theorem by generalizing our analysis to the class of connected domains which are established with no underlying structure over the alternatives and include two complete reversal preferences, and showing that every minimally rich connected domain is nested in some- -eventually-single-peaked domain, and admits the same strategy-proof PGMVSs.  (joint with Shurojit Chatterji, Souvik Roy, Soumyarup Sadhukhan and Arunava Sen)

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