
发布日期:2018-12-24 10:35    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院





主讲人:Helios Herrera

题目:Populism: Demand and Supply

摘要:Using individual data on voting and political parties manifestos in European countries, we empirically characterize the drivers of voting for populist parties (the demand side) as well as the presence of populist parties (the supply side). We show that the economic insecurity drivers of the demand of populism are significant, especially when considering the key interactions with turnout incentives, neglected in previous studies. Once turnout effects are taken into account, economic insecurity drives consensus to populist policies directly and through indirect negative effects on trust and attitudes towards immigrants. On the supply side, populist parties are more likely to emerge when countries are faced with a systemic crisis of economic security. The orientation choice of populist parties, i.e., whether they arise on left or right of the political spectrum, is determined by the availability of political space. The typical mainstream parties response is to reduce the distance of their platform from that of successful populist entrants, amplifying the aggregate supply of populist policies.

主讲人简介:Helios Herrera, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick.

Prof Herrera specialises in Political Economy, Applied Theory, Macroeconomics, and Experimental and Financial Economics. He is the coordinator of the Political Economy and Public Economics (PEPE) Warwick Research Group. His research interests involve voter turnout, democratic systems of government, as well as populism. His talk will indeed focus on a very controversial topic he is currently researching: economic populism, which has come back strongly in the western world as the current economic insecurity fuelled demand for populist policies.

Before coming to Warwick, Prof Herrera served various academic posts, including Associate Professor at HEC Montreal and Lecturer at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. He earned his undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Pavia, and his PhD in Economics from New York University (NYU).

Here is an article from the Economist, “The power of populists”, which features Prof. Herrera’s research:https://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21725298-when-elites-appear-ineffective-voters-give-radicals-chance-power

Working paper: http://www.heliosherrera.com/populism.pdf