
发布日期:2018-12-19 09:13    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

Early-Life Adversity and Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk at Later Life in China: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study

时间: 2018年12月21日(周五)14:00 – 15:30

地点: 北京大学致福轩会议室

主持人: 雷晓燕、张丹丹、赵耀辉

报告人: John Strauss

摘要: This paper examines early life and adulthood correlates of cardiovascular and metabolic risk in mid-aged and elderly in China using the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS). We find little evidence of early life adversity on these two indices of adult health, but do find some strong influences of adult circumstances. In particular urban circumstances are associated with higher risk of both cardiovascular and metabolic risk. Overweight and obesity are associated with higher cardiovascular risk and smoking among men with higher metabolic risk. Age is positively related to higher risk of both cardiovascular and metabolic risk, monotonically so for women, but non-linearly for men.

报告人简介:约翰·施特劳斯(John Strauss)获密歇根州立大学经济学与农业经济学博士学位,现在是南加州大学经济学教授。他同时身兼多家经济学杂志主编,其中包括《发展经济学》杂志主编,是发展经济学领域的顶尖经济学家。施特劳斯教授的研究结合方法学和实证研究分析经济发展,家庭内部决策,人力资本投资及劳动力市场状况。他的著作主要涉及儿童健康,营养状况,食物的生产与消费。由于其出色的研究,施特劳斯教授被授予多种荣誉。他是计量经济学会(Econometric Society)会员,美国经济学会(American Economic Association),美国农业经济学会会员(American Association of Agricultural Economics)。2005年施特劳斯教授被聘为北京大学讲座教授。详细介绍见https://dornsife.usc.edu/johnstrauss/。