
发布日期:2011-09-06 06:05    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

Internet Marketing and Information Economy Strategy

Teaching Syllabus


(subject to adjustment and customization upon the class feedback)

Professor             : Tang Fang Fang             


Course Objective       : The objectives of this course are:

(1)   To provide a general, but sound understanding of the Internet marketing concepts and comparison to conventional marketing terms.

(2)   To develop an appreciation of the Internet marketing environment and its relationship to marketing problems and decisions.

(3)   To facilitate the development of decision making and written communication skills in an Internet marketing context.

(4)   To solve Internet marketing problems in a team setting by collaborating with fellow classmates recognizing the synergy possible through group effort and realizing the importance of team spirit.


Course format             : This class is intended to be an interactive learning experience.

  Class participation and discussion are indispensable to the 

  learning experience. The course material will be covered via a

  mixture of lectures, discussion, readings, case analysis, group

  project and in-class exercises. Supplemental materials will be

  provided during the term.


Textbook             : Ward Hansen, Principles of Internet Marketing.

  Thompson Learning, latest version if possible.

Supplementary text    :  Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian, Information Rules: A Strategic

   Guide to the Network Economy.

   Harvard Business School Press, 1999.


Grading Scheme : Students in this class will be assessed according to the following

  scheme –                             (100%)

Group Project                            60%

Presentation                             20%

Participation                            20%

  Week                  Topics




Part 1.                 Information Economy Strategy

                        Course introduction;

                        The Information Economy                    S&V Ch. 1


                        Pricing Information

                        Versioning Information                 S&V Ch. 2, 3


                        Rights Management         

                        Recognizing Lock-in                      S&V Ch. 4, 5


                        Managing Lock-in

                        Network Effect                       S&V Ch. 6, 7



                        Standards War                               S&V Ch. 8, 9




Part 2.                 Internet Marketing and Pricing


                        Digital World                                  Hansen Ch. 2

                        Individuals Online                         Hansen Ch. 4     


                        Web Business Models                           Hansen Ch. 5

                        Customer Support                           Hansen Ch. 6


                        Personalization                        Hansen Ch. 7

                        New Product Development and the Net      Hansen Ch. 8


                        Traffic and Brand Building                  Hansen Ch. 9

                        Online Pricing                                 Hansen Ch. 11


Special topic: Internet Development in China & Pricing issues

Optional reading:


1)      Tang, F.F., “ Internet Development in China”, invited book chapter, in: New Engine for Global Growth: China’s Twenty-fifth Years of Reform, Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song (eds.),  Asia Pacific Press, September 2003.

2)      Liu, Y. and F.F. Tang (2005), “An Empirical Analysis on Pricing Patterns in China’s Online Book Market”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, forthcoming.

3)      Tang, F.F. and X. Xing, “Will the growth of multi-channel retailing diminish pricing efficiency on the Web?”, Journal of Retailing, 2001 (vol.77) 319-333.

4)      Tang, F. F., Thom, M., Wang, L.T., Chow, W.Y., Tan, J. C. and Tang, X (2003), “Using Insurance to Create Trust on the Internet”, Communications of the ACM, volume 46, No. 12 (December 2003), 337-344.

5)      Tang, F.F (2004),  “Hybrids versus DotComs: Online Pricing Patterns in the South Korean Book Market”, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, ), vol. 1, No. 3, pp.316-328.

6)      Xing, X., F.-F. Tang and  Z. Yang  (2004), “Pricing Dynamics in the Online Consumer Electronics Market”, Journal of Product & Brand Management , vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 429-441.

7)      Tang, F.F. and Gan, L. (2004), “Pricing Convergence between Dot Coms and Hybrids: Empirical Evidence from the Online Toy Market”, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketin), volume 12, No. 4, 340-352.

8)      Xing, X. and F.-F. Tang (2004), “Pricing Online: The Case of Consumer Electronics”, International Journal of Commerce and Management, volume 14, No. 3 & 4, 28-40.

9) Xing, X., Yang, Z. and F.-F. Tang (2006), “A Comparison of Time-Varying Online Price and Price-Dispersion between Multichannel and Dotcom DVD Retailers”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, vol. 20, No. 2, 3-20 (*lead article).

10)  Zong, J., Tang, F.F., Huang W. and Ma J., (2008), “Online Pricing Dispersion and Dynamics in Mainland Chinese Hotels”, the Journal of China Tourism Research (the Haworth Press),  vol. 4, 248-260.

11). Tang, F.F. and Zong, J. (2008), “Hotel Electronic Distribution and Online Price Dispersion in Mainland China”, China Economic Journal (Taylor & Francis Group – Routledge Journals, invited submission), vol. 1. No. 3, 303-315.

12)Li, H.., F.-F. Tang, L. Huang and  F. Song  (2009), “A Longitudinal Study on Australian Online DVD Pricing”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 60-66.


13) Tang, F.F. and Xing, X. (2010), “Price Dispersion on the Internet: A Further Review and Discussion”, invited chapter for Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Digital Economy, ed. In-Lee, IGI Global Publications, 2010.