
发布日期:2011-10-25 12:29    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院







本 课介绍有关反垄断与政府管制的经济学理论和政策。管制是政府运用法规对企业和个人行为的干预。管制针对企业和个人的市场竞争、产品质量和服务条件方面的特 定行为。反垄断是政府在竞争性行业对独占市场和不正当竞争行为的干预。这一领域涉及广泛的经济学理论研究和政策实践,具有重要的现实意义。现代管制理论是 激励理论、博弈论、信息经济学、合同理论、制度经济学等现代经济学理论在管制领域的应用。近年来兴起的针对发展中国家的管制理论研究了制度不完善情况下经 济租的分配问题,涉及腐败、官商勾结、执法不力等现实问题。管制政策涉及面十分广阔,包括了从消费者安全、生产安全、环境保护到电信、航空业的解除管制、 金融业的再管制等重要的政府政策问题。金融危机使管制问题被重新提上日程。管制理论的研究对市场经济条件下我国政府经济职能的设计和完善具有重要的现实意 义。









一 反垄断政策

l        反垄断理论:垄断对效率、技术进步的影响;博弈与寡头竞争;合谋

l        市场结构:集中度、进入壁垒、策略竞争

l        兼并:横向兼并、纵向兼并

l        垄断:掠夺性定价、价格歧视、拒绝提供信息问题

l        对竞争行业国有企业的管制:定价行为、与私有企业的效率比较、私有企业的进入、私有化


二 对自然垄断行业的经济管制

l        自然垄断理论:管制的理由、次可加性、俘获理论、价格和进入管制的效果、管制与创新

l        经济管制政策:管制手段、有关法律的制定与实施

l        交通业:放松管制

l        电力和能源业:管制价格的制定

l        电讯业:被管制的垄断企业与竞争市场的分割


三 社会管制

l        社会管制概论:风险问题

l        环境管制:科斯理论、外部性、排污标准与罚款、排污权交易、全球变暖、环境管制的实施

l        消费品安全管制:制造前的屏蔽、消费品安全的成本、信息

l        工作场所的健康和安全管制:市场对促进工作安全的作用与不足、安全标准、管制的实施

l        医疗保健:生命价值的衡量、创新与专利

l        金融管制:金融风险、利率管制、进入管制、金融业的半解除管制、金融危机与管制体系重新设计的思路


四 管制理论与实践的前瞻

l        金融危机使管制重新提上日程

l        新的着重点:基于人们的行为特点进行的管制;政府管制与企业的自我约束的结合;政府更系统地管理风险。




Viscusi, W.K., J.E. Harrington, Jr., and J.M. Vernon, Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005.


Laffont, Jean-Jacques, Regulation and Development, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2005.



张  帆





·         产业组织

·         国际经济学

·         宏观经济学

·         城市与区域经济学

·         环境经济学



·         经济学博士, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, 1994.

·         工商管理硕士, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, 1985.

·         商业经济学士, Economic Institute of Beijing, Beijing, China, 1982.

·         环境经济学证书, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995.



·         北京大学国家发展研究院教授Professor, National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing, China. 2010-.

·         美国纽约市政府高级经济学家Senior Economist, Comptroller's Office, the City of New York, 1998-2010. 

·         北京大学中经济研究中心副教授Associate Professor, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University, Beijing, China. 1994 - 1998.

·         美国密西根州立韦恩大学助教Teaching Assistant, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Instructor for Economics 102 (Microeconomics, Independent Section) 1987‑1990.

·         美国密西根州立韦恩大学助研Research Assistant, Department of Management, Business School, Wayne State University, 1992‑1994.

·         人民大学讲师Assistant Professor, Renmin University, Beijing, China, 1985-1986.



·         1990 Samuel M. Levin Prize in Economics, for working paper "An Application of Supergame Theory to a Product Differentiation Model". This prize is awarded annually by the Department of Economics at Wayne State University for the paper judged to be the best research paper by a graduate student.

·         Ford Foundation “Return Scholarship”, Peking University, 1994-1996.



·         “China's Long-Run Exchange Rate: A Time Series Estimation,” first author, with PAN, Zuohong, International Journal of Public Administration, 30: 149-157, 2007. 

·         “The Role of Home-Market Effects on China’s Domestic Production,” first author, with PAN, Zuohong, in FLEISHER, Belton M., LI, Haizheng, and SONG, Shunfeng, ed., Market Development in China: Spillovers, Growth and Inequality, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2007.

·         “Home Market Effect and Its Impact on Production and Trade: An Empirical Study of China and the US, first author, with PAN Zuohong, in BAO, Shuming, LIN, Shuanglin, and ZHAO Changwen, ed., The Chinese Economy After WTO Accession, Hampshire UK/Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006.

·         “Determination of China’s Long-run Nominal Exchange Rate and the Official Intervention,” first author, with PAN, Zuohong, China Economic Review, 15, 2004, 360-365. 

·         “Agglomeration Economics in Chinese Cities: an Empirical Study,” with PAN, Zuohong, in CHEN, Aimin, LIU, Gordon G., and ZHANG, Kevin H. ed., Urban Transformation in China, Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2004.

·         “Urban Productivity in China,” with PAN Zuohong, Urban Studies, 39(12), 2267-2281, 2002.

·         “Forms of Inter-Organizational Networks: Structures and Processes,” with OSBORN, R. N., DENEKAMP, J. G., etc., in the proceedings of  European Science Foundation Conference, Berlin, Germany, September, 1993.

·          “Combinations of Core Competencies in International High Tech Alliances: Tracings of Success through Bilateral Trade,” with DENEKAMP, J. G., OSBORN, R. N., etc.; submitted to Strategic Management Journal.

·         “The Role of Culture in Alliance Formation: a Study of U.S.-Japanese High Tech Trade,” with DENECAMP, J. G., and OSBORN, R. N.; submitted to Academy of Management Journal.


·         The Impact of the September 11 WTC Attack on NYC’s Economy and City Revenues, member of the research team, the City of New York Office of the Comptroller, October 4, 2001.

·         One Year Later: the Fiscal Impact of 9/11 on New York City, member of the research team, the City of New York Office of the Comptroller, September  4, 2002.

·         Tax Revenue section of the Comptroller’s Comments on the Adopted Budget and Financial Plan, three times a year from 1999 to 2009.

·         Tax Revenue section of The State of the City’s Economy and Finance, once a year from 1999 to 2009.

·         Who Pays NYC’s Personal Income Tax? Main author, the City of New York Office of the Comptroller, May, 2000.


·         “实验经济学”,载宋顺峰、潘佐红主编«西方人文社科前沿述评:经济学» 中国人民大学出版社,2008年。Experimental Economics, in SONG, Shunfeng and PAN, Zuohong ed., Economics, China Renmin University Press, 2008, in Chinese.

·         “本土市场效应及其对中国省间生产和贸易的影响“,第一作者,与潘佐红合作,经济学季刊,第5卷,第2期,2006年,307-328页。“Home Market Effect and It’s Impacts on China’s Inter-Province Production and Trade,” first author, with PAN, Zuohong, China Economic Quarterly, 5(2), 2006, 307-328,in Chinese.

·         “中国的物质资本和人力资本估算”,经济研究,2000年第8期,65-71页。“Estimates of China’s Physical and Human Capital,” Economic Research, 8, 2000,65-71, in Chinese.

·         “模拟竞争市场的建立和生长:中国民用航空业的管制改革和市场竞争“,载林毅夫,海闻,平新乔主编,«中国经济研究»,北京大学出版社,2000年。"Regulation Reform and Market Competition in Civil Airline Industry in China,” in LIN, Yifu, HAI, Wen, and PING Xinqiao ed., Chinese Economic Research, Peking University Press, 2000.

·         “台湾国际贸易的沿革”,载易纲主编,«台湾经济与中国经济改革»,中国经济出版社,1994年。 “The Evolution of International Trade in Taiwan,” in YI, Gang ed., Taiwan’s Experience and China’s Economic Reform, China Economic Press, 1994, in Chinese.



·         «宏观经济学»,与易纲合著,梁晶工作室编辑,中国人民大学出版社,2008年。Macroeconomics, with YI, Gang, Renmin University Press, 2008.

·         «环境与自然资源经济学»,上海人民出版社,第一版1997年,第二版2007年。Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, in Chinese, People's Publisher of Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 1st version 1997, 2nd version 2007.

·         «大众市场经济学»,与田国强合著,上海人民出版社,1993年。Market Economics for the Masses, with TIAN, Guoqiang, in Chinese, People's Publisher of Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 1993.



·         “模拟竞争市场的建立和生长:中国民用航空业的管制改革和市场竞争“,载北京大学中国经济研究中心未定稿,1997年。“The Reform and Competition in China’s Airline Industry,” CCER (China Center for Economic Research, Peking University) Working Paper, 1997, in Chinese.

·         “An Application of Supergame Theory to a Product-Differentiation Model,” Wayne Economic Papers, September 1990.



·         «经济学»,约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨和卡尔·沃尔什著,第4版,与黄险峰合译,梁晶工作室编辑,中国人民大学出版社,待出版。

·         «宏观经济学»,格里高利·曼昆著,第6版,第一译者,与杨祜宁、岳珊合译,中国人民大学出版社,2008年。

·          «经济学»,约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨和卡尔·沃尔什著,第3版,与黄险峰合译,梁晶工作室编辑,中国人民大学出版社,2005年。

·         «宏观经济学»,格里高利·曼昆著,第5版,第一译者,与梁晓钟合译,中国人民大学出版社,2005年。

·         «转型与经济学»,热若尔·罗兰著,第一译者,与潘佐红合译,梁晶工作室编辑,北京大学出版社,2002年。

·         «宏观经济学», 罗伯特·霍尔和约翰·泰勒著,第一译者,梁晶工作室编辑,中国人民大学出版社,2000年。



·         “Behavior of the Central Bank, Interest Rate and Chinese IS-LM Model,” CES (Chinese Economists Society in U.S.) session of ASSA (American Social Science Association) Annual Conference, January 2000.



·         甘肃发展战略。“Development Strategy for Gansu Province, China”, development economist, supported by Asian Development Bank, 2006-2007.

·         中国的跨国公司。“Multinational Enterprises in China”, project leader, supported by Ford Foundation, 1997-1998.

·         污水成本和定价分析。“Wastewater Cost and Pricing Analysis,” project leader, supported by IDRC (International Development and Research Center in Singapore), 1997-1998.

·         中国的粮食供求与价格波动。“Grain Supply, Demand and Price Fluctuations in China”, research group member, supported by the World Bank, 1995-1996.



·         Chinese Economic Review

·         China Economic Quarterly