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发布日期:2014-02-11 07:00 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
课程简介: 学习基础的计量经济和软件应用。
上课地点: 理教207
上课时间:星期二:11-12节(19:40-21:30); 星期日:11-12节
习题课: 星期日:9-10节, 理教207.
指定教材: Stock, James and Mark Watson: Introduction to Econometrics. Shanghai University of Finance &Economics Press.
考核标准: 平时成绩(30%),期中考(30%),期末考(40%)
1 This course is NOT graded by curve. (课程分数完全透明, 且不调分)
2 Copying homework and cheating in the exam are strictly prohibited. Any violation will be reported to the university. (严格规定不得有作业抄袭与考试作弊的情事. 违反者将移送校方按校规处理).
3 No make-up exam except for medical emergency. Research field trip, taking GRE or TOFEL etc. is NOT a legitimate excuse.
1 期中考:4月8日,19:40-21:30
2 期末考:6月1日,TBA
3 4月6日停课。2月23日和3月2日的课18:40开始。
Part I Linear Regression with One Regressor (Chapter 4 and 15)
Model specification, estimation and Goodness of fit. (4-1,4-2, 4-8) Assumptions and Gauss-Markov Theorem (4-3, 15-5) Sampling distribution and Interval estimation (4-4, 4-6) Statistical Inference: t test. (4-5, 15-4) Consistency and Asymptotic normality (15-1, 15-2, 15-3) Heteroskedasticity and Weighted least squares. (4-9, 15-6)Part II Linear Regression with Multiple Regressors (Chapter 5 and 16)
OLS and LS assumptions (5-3,5-4, 16-1) Sampling distribution of OLS (5-5,16-2) Test for individual coefficients (5-6, 16-4) Tests of Joint Hypothesis (5-7, 5-8, 16-4) GLS and HSK-robust standard errors (16-2, 16-6) Omitted Variable Bias (5.1,5.11) Threats to internal validity (7.1, 7.2)Part III Nonlinear Regression Function (Chapter 6)
Log linear models (6-2) Polynomials (6.1, 6.2) Dummy variable and Interaction terms (6-3) Specification errors.Part IV Time Series Regression (Chapter 12)
Autoregressions (12-3) Autoregressive distributed lag Model (12-4, 12.5) Nonstationary Time series: Stochastic Trend and Unit root test (12-6) Nonstationary Time series: Breaks (12.7)Part V Dynamic Causal Effects (Chapter 13)
Causal effects and Erogeneity (13.2) Estimation with distributed lag Model (13-3) HAC standard errors (13-4) Estimation with strictly exogenous variables (13.5).Remark:
Review of Chapter 2 is strongly suggested.
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