
发布日期:2007-11-07 10:43    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院


                                      INTERNATIONAL FINANCE


2008 年春季学期


先修要求: 中微、中宏






上课地点:           时间:周一 7-8节,周四 11-12节




国际金融是一门研究国际经济交易的货币侧面,以及国际间资金融通行为的经济学学 科。在经济和金融高度国际化和一体化的今天,掌握国际金融的基本知识变得十分重要。学习本课程将有助于同学们理解当今国际国内发生的许多经济事件,如近年 来新兴市场国家发生的金融危机,国际收支调整,中国外汇储备激增问题以及关于人民币应否升值的争论等。


本课程将介绍国际金融的基本理论及讨论若干政策问题:关于国际金融的基本理论, 我们将谈及国际收支核算,外汇市场,汇率的决定,国际资本流动,固定汇率制度的运行以及货币危机等。关于国际金融的政策问题,我们将讨论国际货币体系,国 际政策协调,汇率制度选择,国际金融市场的运行,以及发展中国家及中国的若干国际金融问题等。









Danniels(2005),范小云改编,马君潞主审 “International Monetary and Financial Economics with Economics Applications”,高教出版社,Thomson Learning,2005年2月 。


考核方式: 期中测验 40% ,期末测验 60% 。










一.    国际收支

F        国际收支的概念

F        国际收支平衡

F       国际收支的失衡与调节


二.    汇率与外汇市场

F        外汇市场概述

F        汇率的标价方法和种类

F        外汇交易

F        影响汇率变动的主要因素


三.    固定汇率制下的汇率理论——国际收支理论

F        弹性分析法

F        乘数分析法

F        吸收分析法

F        对国际收支理论发展的评论


四.    浮动汇率制下的汇率理论

F        购买力平价 

F        利率平价说 

F        国际收支说 

F        资产市场说 

F        汇率理论的演变与发展


五.    国际金融市场

F        国际金融市场概述

F        欧洲货币市场      

F        国际金融市场创新

F        几种主要的国际金融创新


六.     国际资本流动与国际金融危机

F        国际金融危机的一般理论

F        货币危机短期产出和汇率的决定

F        货币危机


七.    跨国财务管理

F        跨国公司和跨国财务管理

F       国际融资

F       跨国风险管理




八.    开放经济下的宏观经济政策   

F        开放经济条件下的政策目标、工具和调控原理

F        开放经济条件下的财政、货币政策——蒙代尔-弗莱明模型

F        新开放经济宏观经济学的发展

F        开放经济下的汇率政策

F        国际储备政策      


九.    宏观经济政策的国际协调

F        宏观经济政策的国际协调

F        国际货币制度


十.    最优货币区

F        最优货币区理论

F        欧洲货币联盟

F        东亚区域货币合作



Curriculum Vitae

Erh-Cheng Hwa 华而诚


Chief Economist, Research, China Construction Bank 中国建设银行

Email: hwaec@yahoo.com


Professional Experience:


2002-06 Professor, Chairman of Economics Department, School of Management, Shih-Hsin University (Courses: International Finance, The Chinese Economy)


2004 – 05 Senior Advisor, Polaris Research Institute (Securities and market research)


2001 – 02 President, Global Strategic Investment Management Inc. (Venture capital management)


1999 – 2001, Foreign Economic Advisor to Governor of Guangdong province, PRC


1980 – Nov. 2000, The World Bank


       Lead Economist, July 1997- Nov. 2000, East Asia and Pacific Region


       Chief of Economics Unit, Senior Economist, 1992 – 97, China Resident Mission


       Principal Economist, 1988 – 92, Latin American Region (Columbia, Venezuela)


       Advisor, Industrial Bureau, MOE, Taiwan, 1987 – 88 (on leave) 


       Principal Economist, Senior Economist, 1981 – 87, Development Policy Staff


1977 – 81, Economist, Research Department, International Monetary Fund


1975 – 77, Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, SRI International


1973 – 75, Research Associate, Quantitative Center of Economics and Management, Cornell





       Ph.D. in Economics, Cornell University, 1975

       B. A. National Taiwan University, 1967


Publications and Papers:


“Governance, Growth and Competitiveness in China”, mimo, May 2006


“China’s High-Tech Drive”, with Liu Xuelin, Chapter 8, The East Asian High-Tech Drive, Edward Edgar Publishing Ltd, 2006

“后改革的中国经济发展与挑战”(“Prospects and Challenges in Post-reform China” , 浙江大学经济学院讲座,2005年12月20日,杭州


“全球经济的不均衡”(Global Economic Imbalance: Causes and Consequences), 浙江大学经济学院讲座,2005年12月19日,杭州






“市场比工厂重要”,大陆台商1000大,pp.12-13,工商时报, 2005年11月20日


“经济学与经济学人的挑战:美国的货币改策为例”, (“Challenge to Economics/Economists
The case of US monetary policy”), 国立台湾大学经济学系演讲, 2005年10月20日, 台北


“China’s Impact on Global Commodities Prices: 2001-2004”, 2005年中小企业国际研讨会

「原物料价格展望及中小企业的经营对策」, 2005年10月14日, 台北


“Economic and Financial Challenges in China”, presented to the International Conference on “Challenges to China’s Peaceful Development”, Institute for National Policy Research, September 10-11, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan


“Economic integration in East Asia: Implications for the Cross-Strait Relationship”, Northeast Forum (2005)--Peace and Development: Asian Issues, September 6-7, 2005, Shenyang, Liaoning, China


“China’s Macroeconomic Control: Another Soft Landing?” with Chun-Chien Kuo, presented to Chinese Economists Society (CES) Conference, Chongqing, China, June 30, 2005
推荐序:”探究中国经济改革的发展的系统著作与教材”, 当代中国经济改革, 吴敬琏着,麦格罗希尔(McGraw Hill) ,2005年6月,台北


“振兴东北的金融要求”,振兴东北老工业基地海峡两岸研讨会, 2005年5月20-22日,东北大学,沈阳




“Comment on China’s Unbalanced Economic Growth”, by Professor C. W. Kenneth Keng, Toronto University, August 12, 2004




“新领导层下的中国经济”,in 2003胡温体制权力与政策总体检, 朱新民主编, 财团法人两岸文流远景基金会, 2004年2月,台北


“美元的近期走势”,in 2004 全球经济展望, p69-82,吴惠林主编, 财团法人中华经济研究院出版, 2004年1月,台北

“China: Completing the Last Mile in Development”, paper presented to the Conference on Market System Building & The Service Industry Development in China—The 4th Forum on China’s Macroeconomic Policy, December 11-12, 2003, Beijing, China

“上海地区竞争力分析-兼论与台湾竞争力比较”华而诚、李怡君, 世新研讨会,2003年10月,台北


“Global Deflation, Causes and Remedies”, China Today (今日中国), pp.20-22, Vol. 52 No 5.5 May 2003,北京


“SARS and Impact on East Asia”, presented to International Symposium on SARS Outbreaks, April 21, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan


 “China: The Strategic Role of Service”, Social Sciences in China, Vol. XXIII, No. 4/105-116, Winter 2002, Beijing, China



[China’s Service Industry in the 21st Century, (Li Shandong, coeditor), Economics and Science Publishing House, Beijing, China]


“台商到中国大陆投资的趋势“,新世纪两岸经济合作机制研讨会, 2002年7月25日,北京


"台湾经济再出发",自由中国之工业月刊,91年5月,台北 (Industry of Free China , No.5/1-12, Vol.92, May 2002)


“创业投资在中国”,经济动态 (Economic Trends), No. 224, No. 2, 2002, 深圳市发展计划局主办,深圳


“论服务业在国民经济发展中的战略性地位”,经济研究, Vol. 12, 2001,中国社会科学院经济研究所,北京


“美国经济正式步入衰退”, Industry of Free China,  No.21, Vol.91, December, 2001


“Venture Capital in China”, presented to International Consultative Conference for the Future of Guangdong Province, November 10-11, 2001, Guangzhou, China


“Taiwan’s Economic Development: Achievements and Challenges”, in Conference Proceeding on Economic Development in Memory of Professor Mo-Huan Hsing, October 2001, 65-78, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan


 “Strategic Roles of Services in National Economic Development”, presented to International Consultative Conference for the Future Economic Development of Guangdong Province, November 15-16, 2000, Guangzhou, China


“How Taiwan Weathered the Asian Financial Crisis?” Review of Pacific Basin Financial and Macroeconomic Policy Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2000


“A Concept Paper on China’s Competitiveness”, memo, March, 2000, The World Bank

“Will China’s Deflation Be Averted?” presented to “International Seminar on Economic Prediction: Analysis and Prediction on the Economy of China and The World in Year 2000”, sponsored by UNDP and MOFTEC, November, 1999, Beijing, China


“Industrial Upgrading in Guangdong Province”, presented to International Consultative Conference for the Future of Guangdong Province, November 13-14, 1999, Guangzhou, China


“On China’s Economic Growth”, in East Asia Economic Development: Its Past and Future: Essays in Honor of Professor Liang Kuo-Shu, 1999, 159-171, National Taiwan University


“Coordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policy”, A Policy Note, August, 1999, The World Bank


“A Note On China’s Growth”, memo. August, 1999, The World Bank


China’s Preferential Tax Policy, (memo.), 1999, The World Bank


“Taiwan: Confronting East Asian Financial Crisis”, A Policy Note, October 1998, The World Bank


“Did China’s 1994 devaluation precipitate the Crisis”, in East Asia: The Road to Recovery, The World Bank, August, 1998


“Asian Financial Crisis and Aftermath”, edited by Z. Yen, Industry of Free China, Volume 88, Number 4, April 1998


中国经济的软着陆: 1992-1997, 中国财政经济出版社, 1997年7月, 北京[1998年中国图书奖][The “Soft-landing” of the Chinese Economy, 1992-1997, July, 1997,China Fiscal and Economics Publishing House, Beijing, China]


“A Comprehensive Review of China’s Macroeconomy in 1996”, in PRC 1997 Economic Blue Book, edited by Liu Guoguang, Wang Luolin, Li Jinwen, Liu Shucheng, Wang Tongshang, Center of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1997

评论"九五通涨因素分析与对策研究", 江春泽、吕亿环、余永定着,14-20页,经济管理出版社,1996年11月,北京 (“Comment on A Policy Study on Sustaining A Rational Economic Growth Rate and Controlling Inflation During the 9th Five-Year Plan—An Inquiry Into The Sources of Inflation and Policy Response During the 9the Five-Year Plan Period, Jiang Chunzhe, Lu Yihuan, Yu Yonding, Economic Management Publishing House, 1996, Beijing )

"中国宏观经济形势分析", 人民日报第九版,1995年3月2日

 “Comment on A Policy Study on Sustaining A Rational Economic Growth Rate and Controlling Inflation During the 9th Five-Year Plan—An Inquiry Into The Sources of Inflation and Policy Response During the 9the Five-Year Plan Period, Jiang Chunzhe, Lu Yihuan, Yu Yonding, Economic Management Publishing House, 1996, Beijing


Macroeconomic Management in China, Proceeding of a Conference in Dalian, June 1993, Peter Harold, E.C. Hwa, Lou Jiwei (editors), 1993, World Bank Discussion Papers, No.222, China and Mongolia Department, The World Bank


"Trends in China's Economic Reform", (with Lawrence J. Law), paper presented to Project Link Meeting, September 13-17, 1993, Beijing, China

"当前宏观经济形势分析” ,人民日报,1993年11月29日

"Enterprise Reform in China", 1992, World Bank Resident Mission in China, Beijing, China

"Un Modelo Sobre Requisitos Macroeconomicos para Adelantar Reformas De Politica" (with William Easterly, Piyabha Kongsamut and Jan Eizek), in Essayos Sobre Politica Economica, No.18, Diciembre, 1990, Bogotá, Columbia


Colombia: Policies for Efficient Growth in the 1990's, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Country Operations Division I, Country Department III, August 1990,The World Bank


Colombia: Country Economic Memorandum: Productivity Growth and Sustained Economic Development, Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, Country Division I, Country Department III, August 1989,The World Bank


"On Economic Liberalization Policies", in Fiscal Policy and Economic Theory, 1988


Trade Surplus, Currency Appreciation and Structural Adjustment Policies, September 1988, Council of Economic Planning and Development, Taipei, Taiwan


"The Contribution of Agriculture to Economic Growth: Some Empirical Evidence", in World Development, Vol.16, No.11, 1988


Taiwan’s Future Industrial Development Strategy, a special report presented to National Science Foundation, Executive Yuan, August, 1988, Taipei, Taiwan


"Policies De Estabilization Y Liberacion En Colombia: Un Modelo De Mediano Plazo" (with M. Cherif), in Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica, No.12, December 1987, Bogotá, Colombia


"A Medium-Term Macroeconomic Framework of Adjustment with Growth", Division Working Paper No. 1987-5, Country Analysis and Projections Division, Economic Analysis and Projections Development, 1987, The World Bank


"Stimulating Economic Recovery Strategies of the Philippines", prepared for the Economic Research Staff Management Retreat, Country Analysis and Projections Division, Economic Analysis and Projections Department, June 18-20, 1986, The World Bank


China: Long-term development Issues and Options (Economic Model and Projections), A World Bank Study, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985


"A Model of Price and Quantity Adjustments in Primary Commodity Markets", in Journal of Policy Modeling 7(2), 1985


"Export Instability and Adjustments of Import, Capital Inflow, and External Reserves: A Short-Run Dynamic Model" (with K. Chu and K. Krishnamurty) in Exchange Rate and Trade Instability: Causes, Consequences, and Remedies, David Bigman and Teizo Taya (editors), Ballinger Publishing Company, 1983


"Time Aggregation and Econometric Models" (with G. Fromm) in Quantitative Economics and Development, L.R. Klein, M. Nerlove, and S.C. Tsiang (editors), Academic Press, 1980


"Stabilizing World Commodity Markets through Buffer Stocks: A Stimulation Experiment with the Fixed-Bank Rule" (with N. Kulatilaka), DM/79/71, September 1979, International Monetary Fund


"Price Determination in Several International Primary Commodity Markets: A Structural Analysis", in Staff Papers, Vol.26, No.1, March 1979, International Monetary Fund


"Quarterly Estimates of Capital Stock for Plant and Equipment for 16 U.S. Manufacturing Stage-of-Process Industries", in Financial Flows and Economic Activity in the United States, a proposal and progress report prepared for the National Science Foundation, Center for Economic Policy Research, SRI International, March 1978


An Integrated Model of the New York State and the Nation (with S. Saltzman and H.S. Chi), a final report to the Division of Economics of the National Science Foundation on Project GS-40478X, April 1976


"A Monthly Econometric Model of the U.S. Economy" (with T.C. Liu), International Economic Review, June 1974, reprinted in Econometric Model Performance, L.R. Klein and E. Burmester (editors), University of Pennsylvania Press, 1976




天下杂志『国际经济』专栏 (The Common Wealth was rated the best Asian Chinese magazine in 2005 by The Society Of Publishers in Asia)


1.          景气复苏的敌人--通货紧缩                 第262期  2002.11.01

2.          中国的银行危机值得忧虑吗?       第267期  2003.01.15 

3.          台湾经济为何不长进?             第271期  2003.03.15

4.          美元会继续贬值                   第276期  2003.06.01 

5.          为何人民币不可能立刻升值         第280期  2003.08.01 

6.          史诺访亚:另一段中国长征?       第283期  2003.09.15 

7.          民间投资成为中国火车头           第288期  2003.12.01

8.          台湾『看天经济』的隐忧           第292期  2004.02.01

9.          这四年,台湾国际竞争力每况愈下   第295期  2004.03.15 

10.     中国经济会再次软着陆吗?         第299期  2004.05.15 

11.     自由贸易区不是万灵丹             第303期  2004.07.15 

12.     全球经济面临强劲逆风             第306期  2004.09.01 

13.     中国走进G7富人俱乐部            第309期  2004.10.15

14.     解开美元贬值之谜                 第313期  2004.12.15 

15.     美国经济后势看跌?               第316期  2005.02.01

16.     解开葛林斯班『难解的谜题』       第319期  2005.03.15

17.     人民币升值能否解决中美贸易逆差? 第323期  2005.05.15 

18.     中美经济冲突一触即发?           第327期  2005.07.15 


远见杂志 (Global Vision)『策略思维』专栏


1.          为什么中国经济『订价合理』?     第225期  2005年3月

2.          抑制中国的失衡成长                         第228期  2005年6月 


财富管理(Wealth Management)季刊


1.          储蓄美德让中国私人财富管理业务潜力无穷    创刊号  2004年12月

2.          中国国有银行改革之路势在必行                     第2期  2005年04月