
发布日期:2007-04-25 11:31    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

北京大学                        China Center for Economic Research

中国经济研究中心                         Peking University, Fall 2007


国 际 贸 易

International Trade

2007 年秋季学期

周六14:40-16:30, 理教113

周日10:10-12:00, 理教117


课程简介 Course Description




This is a course on open-economy microeconomics and trade. The goal of this course is to examine several interesting topics such as trade pattern, factor movements, trade policy and its impact on national welfare. The first module of the course will lay out several useful theories regarding the trade pattern, and the second module will help you assemble these theories into an overall analytical framework. The third module will challenge you to apply this analytical framework to real-world applications.


By the end of the course, I hope that you will have developed a keen interest in issues related to international trade, as well as a set of analytical tools that can be applied on other fields. You should be able to analyze, in an unbiased way, a wide array of important international policy issues.


联系信息 Contact Information


Instructor 教师:            Dr. Miaojie Yu 余淼杰博士

Office办公室:             郎润园621

Office Hours答疑时间:      周六16:40-17:30

Email:                    mjyu@ccer.edu.cn

Telephone:                6275-3109

Fax:                     6275-1475

Course Webpage:           http://mjyu.ccer.edu.cn/courses/trade.html


习题课 Discussion Sections


Teaching Assistant助教:      TBA/ 待定

Section Time习题课时间:     TBA/ 待定

Email:                     TBA/ 待定

Telephone:                 TBA/ 待定


先修要求 Course Prerequisites



Prerequisite for this course is intermediate microeconomics or equivalent. Intermediate

macroeconomics is not required but preferable.


教材 Textbook:


Richard E. Caves Jeffrey A. Frankel Ronald W. Jones, World trade and payments: An introduction, 10th edition, Addison-Wesley Press, 2007. 北大出版社影印本将于8 月推出。


参考书 References:


1. 保罗·克鲁格曼,茅瑞斯·奥伯斯法尔德《国际经济学:理论与政策》,第7 版,Addison–Wesley 出版社,2005。

2.《国际贸易》,海闻、彼得·林德特、王新奎 上海人民出版社,2000 年

3. Robert Feenstra, Advanced International Trade: Theory and Evidence, Princeton University,2003


考核方式  Course Grading:


作业占总成绩15% ;期中考试占总成绩35% ;期末考试占总成绩50% 。

Problem Sets 5次, 每次3% 15%

Midterm TBA/ 待定 35%

Cumulative Final Exam TBA/ 待定 50%


课程规定  Course Policies:


All homework assignments are due and must be handed in during lecture. 作业上课时交。

  Homework assignments will be handed out in lecture and are discussed in sections.


Homework is graded "check+", "check", and "check-". When determining course grades,the homework is recorded as a 100% for "check+", a 75% for "check", a 50% for "check-",and 0% if not handed in. There is a significant penalty for NOT handing in the homework.

作业分数分三档,优为100%, 良为75%,差为50%,不交为零分。

 No make-up exams will be provided. Consider to drop the course if you have conflicts with the final exam time. 本课不提供补考机会。

Exams are closed book with a mixture of short answer and multiple part analytical problems. The final is cumulative with a greater weight on material from the second part of the quarter. 期末考题型为短问及分析题。


课程大纲 Course Outline:


This is tentative and subject to change. Check back at our class webpage for periodic updates and direct links to papers. Please read the assigned readings before the lecture.


1. 贸易理论 International Trade Theory

古典贸易理论 Classical Trade Theory

劳动生产率与比较优势 Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage

新古典贸易理论 Neo-classical Trade Theory

(1)资源禀赋与比较优势 Resources Endowments and Comparative Advantage

(2)新古典贸易理论的扩展与含义 Extensions and Implications

现代及其它贸易理论 Alternative Trade Theory

(1)不完全竞争理论Imperfect Competition

(2)垄断竞争与贸易 Monopolistic competition and Trade

(3)规模经济Economics of Scale

2. 贸易政策 International Trade Policy

(1)贸易政策工具 The Instruments of Trade Policy

(2)贸易政策的政治经济学分析 The Political Economy of Trade Policy

(3)贸易政策讨论 Controversies in Trade Policy

3. 国际要素流动 International Factor Movements

(1)国际劳动力流动 International Labor Mobility

(2)外国直接投资 Foreign Direct Investments

4. 国际贸易中的有关专题 Some Specific Topics

(1)区域经济与全球化 Globalization and Localization


(3)中国外贸领域的改革与发展 China’s International Trade