
发布日期:2005-11-25 08:39    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

 Money and Banking

Spring 2005-2006, CCER, Peking University



Instructor: Zeng Zhixiong

Office: Room 624, CCER

Email: zxzeng@ccer.pku.edu.cn


Prerequisite: Principle of Economics.


Textbook: Frederic S. Mishkin, The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Addison-Wesley.



Quizzes: 20%

First Midterm Exam, 20%

Second Midterm Exam, 20%

Final Exam: 40%



1. Money, interest rates, and financial markets

Overview of the financial system

Understanding money and interest rates

The risk and term structure of interest rates

The foreign exchange market

2. Financial institutions

Financial structure

The banking firm and the management of financial institutions

Banking industry: structure and competition

Banking regulation

Nonbank financial institutions

Financial derivatives

3. Central banking and the conduct of monetary policy

Structure of central banks

Money supply process and determinants of money supply

Tools of monetary policy

Conduct of monetary policy: Goals, targets, and strategies

International financial system

4. Monetary theory

The demand for money

IS-LM/AS-AD model and monetary/fiscal policy

Transmission mechanisms of monetary policy

Money and inflation

Rational expectations and efficient capital markets