1. Chen, J., Liu, Y. J., Lu, L., & Tang, Y. (2016). Investor attention and macroeconomic news announcements: Evidence from stock index futures. Journal of Futures Markets, 36(3), 240-266. (英文B刊,金融期货领域顶刊,SSCI一作)
2. Yu, Yan., Chen, J., Tang, Y., & Xu, J. (2018). Analyst Distortion during IPO Waves. International Review of Finance, 18(3), 331-357. (英文B刊,SSCI通讯作者)
3. Tang, Y., Chen, D., Chen, J., & Xu, J. (2017). The rise of China's securitization market. Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, 26(5), 279-294. (英文C刊)
4. 唐涯, 陈靖,陈戴希. (2016). 三一诉讼奥巴马:破局中国企业海外维权. 哈佛商业评论.
5. 陈戴希, 陈靖, 徐建国. (2018). 中国消费贷证券化的宏观趋势和微观特征. 中国金融. 3: 52-53.
6. 陈靖. (2018). 区块链能解决信贷业务的难点吗?. 财经. 10: 25.
7. 陈靖, 徐建国, 唐涯, 陈戴希. (2019). 独角兽企业的兴起:典型事实和驱动因素. 上海金融. 2: 12-20.