学术名家系列讲座:Media Competition, Media Capture, and Pollution in China

发布日期:2024-10-14 12:00    来源:





题目:Media Competition, Media Capture, and Pollution in China


This paper examines the impacts of media market competition on firms’ pollution in the context of media capture, where firms try to suppress negative news. Exploiting a media reform that forced a large number of newspapers to exit the market in China, we find that polluting firms emitted less pollution and the remaining newspapers reported more pollution-related issues following the newspaper exits. While this finding challenges the conventional belief that a more competitive media market serves as a better watchdog, it aligns with a model suggesting that the deadweight loss from imperfect media competition can be offset by the negative externality of pollution.


何国俊是香港大学经管学院经济学教授,港大赛马会环球企业可持续发展研究所所长、香港大学经管学院深圳校区ESG研究所所长、香港大学中国经济研究所副所长、兼任芝加哥大学能源政策研究所中国中心(EPIC-China)研究主任。他是国际环境经济学领域著名期刊 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 的共同主编(co-editor)、China Economic Review 的共同主编(co-editor)。 

何国俊主要从事环境与发展经济学方面的研究。其论文发表于 Quarterly Journal of Economics, American Economic Review, American Economic Review: Insights, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 等经济学类期刊,也发表于Science, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, Nature: Sustainability, Nature: Human Behaviour, The BMJ 等科学类期刊。何国俊曾荣获多项学术奖励,包括国家杰出青年科学基金、“欧洲环境经济学杰出研究者奖”、“张培刚发展经济学优秀成果奖”。
