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微观经济学workshop:Lindahl Equilibrium as a Collective Choice Rule
发布日期:2024-10-25 12:00 来源:
讲座时间:2024年10月25日(周五)10:30 a.m.-noon
讲座主题:Lindahl Equilibrium as a Collective Choice Rule
主讲人:Wolfgang Pesendorfer (Princeton University)
A collective choice problem specifies a finite set of alternatives from which a group of expected utility maximizers must choose. We associate a pseudo market with every collective choice problem and establish the existence and efficiency of Lindahl equilibrium allocations for that market. We also associate a cooperative bargaining problem with every collective choice problem and define a set-valued solution concept, the ω-weighted Nash bargaining set where ω is a vector of welfare weights. We provide axioms that characterize the ω-weighted Nash bargaining set. Our main result shows that ω-weighted Nash bargaining set payoffs are also the Lindahl equilibrium payoffs of the corresponding collective pseudo market with the same utility functions and incomes ω. We define an appropriate notion of the core (the pseudo core) for collective pseudo markets and show that Lindahl equilibria are in the pseudo core. We apply collective pseudo markets to a stylized public goods problem and compare the properties of Walras and Lindahl equilibria in discrete allocation problems and in matching problems.
Wolfgang Pesendorfer is the Theodore A. Wells'29 Professor of Economics at Princeton University. He is an economic theorist who specializes in decision theory and political economy, more specifically, strategic voting theory. More recently he has worked on allocation mechanisms in settings without transfers. Professor Pesendorfer is a fellow of the econometric society and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was the co-editor of Econometrica from 2008 to 2012 and a member of the editorial board of American Economic Review from 1996 to 2002.
Wolfgang Pesendorfer是美国普林斯顿大学Theodore A. Wells'29经济学讲席教授。他是一位经济理论专家,主要研究决策理论和西方政治经济学,尤其侧重策略性投票理论。近些年来他的研究关注不涉及转移支付场景下的分配机制。Pesendorfer教授是计量经济学会士和美国科学院院士。他在2008年到2012年是Econometrica期刊的联合主编,还在1996到2002年担任American Economic Review期刊的编委会成员。
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