
发布日期:2024-10-23 12:00    来源:

讲座题目:Dedicated E-government Organizational Units and Service Quality (专业化部门与数字政务服务质量)
讲座时间:2024年10月23日 周三 10:30-12:00
(国家发展研究院) 李力行、席天扬、徐化愚、于航、王轩、易君健、黄清扬
(经济学院) 刘冲、吴群峰、曹光宇、年永威

摘要:We examine whether dedicated government units for e-government initiatives can enhance service quality. Using novel text analysis to assess the quality of responses to citizens' inquiries on a major online interactive platform in China, we find that such organizational units known as big data bureaus significantly improve e-government service quality. These improvements are more pronounced in bureaus with higher hierarchical status, in higher-ranking cities, and in cities with mayors who have stronger promotion incentives or higher skills. However, ironically, these enhancements do not translate into greater citizen satisfaction with e-government services, as local governments do not increase spending on citizens' welfare. Our findings highlight the potential role of government organizational structure and economic resources in improving e-government services.

个人简介:程华,现任中南财经政法大学教授,博导,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和瑞士金融研究所客座研究员。本科和博士分别毕业于北京大学和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校。研究涉及发展经济学、数字经济、法和经济学、运营管理。研究成果发表于Journal of Law and Economics (封面文章),Production and Operations Management, Journal of Development Economics等期刊,多篇文章在Academy of Management Journal ,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis期刊复审中。
