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微观理论workshop:Screening with Tests
发布日期:2024-09-12 12:00 来源:
时间:9月12日(周四)10:00 a.m.-11:30
主讲人:Jeffrey Ely(the Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Economics at Northwestern University)
题目: Screening with Tests (基于考试的甄选)
摘要:I study the monopolistic design of a college admissions test. Students have private information about their ability and apply to colleges by submitting verifiable resumes in addition to test results. Due to screening frictions, the profit maximising testing structure is less informative than colleges would prefer and distorts admissions probabilities for students with poor resumes. Mandatory testing only makes things worse.
主讲人介绍:Jeffrey Ely是美国西北大学Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison经济学讲席教授。他是一位微观经济理论家,研究领域包括纯博弈论、应用微观经济学、行为经济学和实验经济学。他的研究包括不完全信息下的博弈论基础、重复博弈、机制设计和偏好演变。Jeffrey Ely教授是计量经济学会会员。他曾在 2016-2023 年担任American Economic Review(AER)联合主编,也是Theoretical Economics(TE)的创刊联合主编。
Jeffrey Ely is the Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Economics at Northwestern University. He is a microeconomic theorist with interests ranging from pure game theory to applied microeconomics to behavioral and experimental economics. His work includes contributions to the foundations of game theory under incomplete information, repeated games, mechanism design, and the evolution of preferences. Professor Ely is a Fellow of the Econometric Society. He was a coeditor of American Economic Review (AER) from 2016-2023 and a founding co-editor of Theoretical Economics (TE).
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