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发布日期:2024-06-11 02:04 来源:
NSD-Baruch MFE Summer Camp
August 5–10, 2024
The National School of Development at Peking University and the Baruch MFE Program are pleased to announce a one-week virtual Summer Camp, exclusive for NSD students and alumni, Peking University students and alumni, Tsinghua University students and alumni, in August 2024.
The NSD-Baruch MFE Summer Camp will include a summer Options Primer - Arbitrage and Trading course, Financial Industry talk series, and social activities with Baruch MFE Program alumni, students, and faculty.
Dates: August 5-10, 2024
Cost: ¥2,000
Summer Camp Program Components
Machine Learning for Finance mini-course: 5 sessions of 2 hours each. An overview of machine learning main concepts and the applications to finance of this area of AI.
What will you learn:
● Regression and Classification Trees: decision trees, bootstrap, random forests
● The curse of dimensionality
● Dimensionality reduction: SVD and PCA
● Support Vector Machines
● Intro to generative models
Options Trading and Arbitrage mini-course: 3 sessions of 2 hours each. The emphasis will be on arbitrage-free relationships and options trading strategies. Interview-style questions will be reviewed throughout the course.
What will you learn:
● Convexity of option prices. Convexity arbitrage
● Options trading strategies
● Implementing market views using options strategies
● Bull spreads, bear spreads, butterfly spreads, straddles, strangles
● Return enhancement strategies
Relative entropy-regularized robust optimal order execution: 1-hour technical presentation. An overview of how relative entropy regularization can be used to optimize order execution in a way that balances profit potential with risk management.
What will you learn:
● Principles of Relative Entropy
● Stochastic Differential Game
● Dynamic Programming and the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) Equation
● Linear-Quadratic Models with Gaussian Priors
● Analytical Solutions
Giulio Trigila, Baruch MFE Faculty
Tai-Ho Wang, Baruch MFE Faculty
Dan Stefanica, Baruch MFE Program Director
Ken Abbott, Baruch MFE Faculty
Certification: Successful completion of daily quizzes will be acknowledged with a Certificate of Completion.
2. Financial Industry Talk Series: virtual presentations from one buy-side and one sell-side top tier financial companies that are major employers of MFE graduates; students will learn about career opportunities for financial engineering graduates
3. Application information session & Mock Interview
4. Social activities: virtual meetings with Baruch MFE alumni working in the financial industry; with current Baruch MFE students from China talking about preparing for graduate studies and experience in the program; with Baruch MFE faculty discussing placement, curriculum, and admission interviews
NSD-Baruch MFE暑期项目
纽约市立大学柏鲁克学院金融工程项目(Baruch MFE)创立于2002年,是全美最顶尖的金融工程项目之一,该项目自创建以来始终保持同类学科最优就业率记录(中国学生100%就业率)。Baruch MFE在专业学科信息网站QuantNet上已连续六年荣获北美地区年度最佳金融数学/金融工程项目排名第一位。同时,项目在业界权威网站RiskNet 2024年量化金融硕士指南中排名全球第一。
NSD-Baruch MFE暑期项目是由北京大学国家发展研究院与纽约市立大学柏鲁克学院联合组织的学术、职业与文化交流项目。该项目旨在为同学们整体性地介绍一套金融工程领域框架知识,提供一个与华尔街金融界高级管理人员和从业者交流、切磋、获得启迪的机会。同时给予美国的顶级金融机构一个了解项目学员专业素质、求职愿景和文化背景的机会,进而培养同学们与华尔街金融从业者的友谊和相互沟通能力。活动主要涉及专业课程学习、企业参访、职场交流等方面,为期6天。欢迎感兴趣的同学积极申请。
1、 报名链接:https://pkunsd.wjx.cn/vm/tpHPAGa.aspx
注意:按照【姓名+资料 类型】命名。例:Xiaoze Cheng_Resume、Xiaoze Cheng_Transcript。
NSD-Baruch MFE暑期项目包含三个核心模块:学习金融工程项目经典课程,华尔街顶级金融机构在线互动,联谊优秀学子和职场精英。
1. 课程内容(包括但不局限于):
❏ Regression and Classification Trees 回归和分类树
❏ The curse of dimensionality维数灾难
❏ Dimensionality reduction: SVD and PCA 降维:奇异值分解和主成分分析
❏ Support Vector Machines 支持向量机
❏ Intro to generative models 生成模型简介
❏ Convexity of option prices 期权价格的凸性
❏ Options trading strategies 期权交易策略
❏ Implementing market views using options strategies 使用期权策略表达市场观点
❏ Convexity arbitrage 凸性套利
❏ Bull spreads, bear spreads, butterfly spreads, straddles, strangles 期权组合交易策略
❏ Return enhancement strategies 回报提升策略
相对熵正则化的稳健最优订单执行:概述如何使用相对熵正则化来优化订单执行,以 平衡利润潜力和风险管理。
❏ Principles of Relative Entropy 相对熵原理
❏ Stochastic Differential Game 随机微分博弈
❏ IDynamic Programming and the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) Equation 动态规划和汉密尔顿-雅各比-艾萨克斯(HJI)方程
❏ Linear-Quadratic Models with Gaussian Priors 具有高斯先验的线性二次模型