教学项目展开 / 收起
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发布日期:2022-06-19 07:14 来源:
Hosting institution
Job description
Job quota
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Under the guidance of Professor Yip, conduct various tasks that provide preparation for graduate school application, including analyzing data, developing statistical models, and making presentations. Regularly communicate with the research team and may also co-author papers depending on capability and contribution. Auditing necessary courses are also encouraged (subject to the approval of the instructor).
Kellogg MEDS and Dept. of Economics, Northwestern University
The main job of pre-doctoral fellows is to assist the research of economics faculty at Northwestern. Tasks include data collection, field work, project management, data analysis, background research, paper and presentation preparation. Fellows can work for one, or split their time between two or three, depending on need. The field of work will depend on the interests of faculty and students in a given year. Fellows are welcome to attend all student and external speaker workshops, and are expected to regularly attend at least one in their chosen field of interest. They are encouraged to audit courses (subject to the approval of the instructor) during their pre-doc.
Yale University, Department of Health Policy and Management; Department of Economics
Under the supervision of Hosting professor, the pre-doc will conduct health economics and policy research to prepare for graduate school application. Main tasks include analyzing data, developing statistical models, and making presentations. Regularly communicate with the research team and may also co-author papers depending on capability and contribution. Auditing necessary courses are also encouraged (subject to the approval of the instructor). The pre-doc will also have the opportunity to attend various academic events across the Yale campus and beyond. The pre-doc may join projects that link major American population surveys with large sources of healthcare data (e.g., Medicare claims, EHR).
- 国发院将提供不超过12个月(取决于项目时间)的生活补助及交通补贴。
- 具体信息参见:https://www.nsd.pku.edu.cn/jxxm/bks/szyjl/hzxm/523635.htm
请有意申请的学生于7月10日前将以下材料发送至:bqliu@nsd.pku.edu.cn(单个文件保存为pdf格式,并按如下名称命名。文件名含序号\内容\本人姓名拼音,如:A Resume_姓名拼音)
A 个人简历(中英文)
B 个人研究兴趣陈述(中英文)
C 成绩单(英文)
D 可证明本人学术能力的证明材料、具体项目要求的其他材料
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