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2021 NSD-Baruch MFE Virtual Summer Camp
发布日期:2021-05-13 04:18 来源:
NSD-Baruch MFE Virtual Summer Camp
August 2–7, 2021
The National School of Development at Peking University and the Baruch MFE Program are pleased to announce a one week virtual Summer Camp, exclusive for NSD students and alumni, Peking University students and alumni, Tsinghua University students and alumni, in August 2021.
The NSD-Baruch MFE Summer Camp will include a summer Options Primer - Arbitrage and Trading course, Financial Industry talk series, social activities with Baruch MFE Program alumni, students, and faculty.
Dates: August 2-7, 2021
Cost: ¥2,000
Summer Camp Program Components
Options Primer - Arbitrage and Trading course: 5 sessions of 2 hours each. The emphasis will be on arbirrage-free relationships and options trading strategies. Interview-style questions will be reviewed throughout the course.
What will you learn:
- Put-Call parity arbitrage with bid-ask spreads
- Convexity of option prices
- Options trading strategies
- Implementing market views using options strategies
- Convexity arbitrage
- Bull spreads, bear spreads, butterfly spreads, straddles, strangles
- Return enhancement strategies
Detailed Course Schedule:
Session 1: Options: P&L and payoffs; Put-Call parity; option portfolios and arbitrage; option payoff replication; Put-Call parity arbitrage with bid-ask spreads
Session 2: Convexity of options prices. Convexity arbitrage. Bull spreads, bear spreads, butterfly spreads. Straddles, strangles. Return enhancement strategies. Implementing market views using options strategies.
Session 3: Black-Scholes Framework. Risk-neutral pricing. Black-Scholes formulas. Put-Call parity, option bounds, asymptotic values in the Black-Scholes framework. The three variables underlying the Black-Scholes formulas: log moneyness, total standard deviation, present value of the forward price.
Session 4: Greeks and model-independent relationships. The magic of Black-Scholes Greeks computations. No-arbitrage option bounds revisited. The time value of options. Delta- and Gamma-hedging. Dynamic hedging.
Session 5: Greeks dependence on spot price, volatility, maturity: Black-Scholes framework and intuition. Implied volatility and a pitfall of the Black-Scholes model. A model-independent relationship for the implied volatility of call and put options.
Certification: A Certificate of Attendance will be provided to every participant. Successful completion of daily quizzes will be acknowledged with a Certificate of Completion.
2. Financial Industry Talk Series: virtual presentations from one buy-side and one sell-side top tier financial companies that are major employers of MFE graduates; students will learn about career opportunities for financial engineering graduates
3. Application information session & Mock Interview
4. Social activities: virtual meetings with Baruch MFE alumni working in the financial industry; with current Baruch MFE students from China talking about preparing for graduate studies and experience in the program; with Baruch MFE faculty discussing placement, curriculum, and admission interviews
NSD-Baruch MFE暑期在线项目
纽约市立大学柏鲁克学院金融工程项目(Baruch MFE)创立于2002年,是全美最顶尖的金融工程项目之一,该项目自创建以来始终保持同类学科最优就业率记录(中国学生100%就业率)。在专业权威网站QuantNet.com发布的2021年北美地区金融工程/金融数学硕士项目综合排名中,Baruch MFE项目位列第1名。
为帮助有志于金融工程领域求学的国发院学生继续得以深入接触业界前沿,国发院及Baruch MFE项目于2021年开办在线暑期项目,力求在不断变化的国际形势下为学生开拓更为广阔的视野和发展空间。
1)登录学生信息服务平台http://ss.nsd.edu.cn/-海外项目-Baruch Summer,填写基本信息
2、无学生信息服务平台账户的国发院在读研究生及校友、北京大学其他院系在读学生和校友、清华大学在读学生和校友申请:请将申请表(见附件)、个人中英文简历、证件照、中文成绩单扫描件、英语能力证明扫描件发送至 bqliu@nsd.pku.edu.cn
NSD-Baruch MFE暑期项目包含三个核心模块:学习金融工程项目经典课程,华尔街顶级金融机构在线互动,联谊优秀学子和职场精英。
1. 课程内容(包括但不局限于):
- Put-Call parity arbitrage with bid-ask spreads 期权平价套利策略
- Convexity of option prices 期权价格的凸性
- Options trading strategies 期权交易策略
- Implementing market views using options strategies 使用期权策略表达市场观点
- Convexity arbitrage 凸性套利
- Bull spreads, bear spreads, butterfly spreads, straddles, strangles 期权组合交易策略
- Return enhancement strategies 回报提升策略
2. 课程设置:项目中将为每门课程配备一至两名Baruch MFE在读学生作为TA,全程辅导学员参与项目。课程结束后,参与项目的所有学员将获得结业证书,在课后作业和结业考试中表现优异的学员还将额外获得荣誉证书,作为学员将来继续深造和进入跨国公司的良好基础。
1. 线上拜访顶级投行和知名对冲基金,参加高管见面会,了解金融机构组织构架,招聘录用要求和所需专业知识储备,获知华尔街就业和实习机会。与从业人员进行面对面交流互动,了解金融机构工作流程,聆听工作经验分享和职业规划建议。
2. 暑期项目将特别邀请在以上金融机构中任职的校友来到交流会上分享珍贵的求学经历与职场感悟,为学员们未来的职业发展建立深厚的人脉,开启广阔的视角。
1. 华尔街职场精英交流会:95%的Baruch MFE项目校友目前都就职于纽约、波士顿各大金融机构。项目将邀请在华尔街工作的优秀校友带来关于择业、求职、面试、业内发展、综合能力提升等各方面的职场培训和职业规划建议。
2. 申请指导&模拟面试:Baruch MFE项目的各位教授将指导大家如何在入学与求职申请中脱颖而出。项目中优秀的中国学生与校友会在社交活动中与同学们分享申请经验及学习感受。在模拟面试环节,Baruch MFE项目主任Dan Stefanica将为同学们安排正规的面试现场、面试流程,亲自为参与的同学分析面试表现并提出改进建议。
3. Baruch校友交流会:Baruch拥有全美最大的商学院,此外在艺术、科学、传媒界也享有盛誉。项目将邀请遍布各行业的Baruch校友带来丰富的职业发展经验和指导。同时,由于Baruch MFE项目引进大量金融业界高管进行授课和就业指导,这些有着丰富业界经历的老师们也会来到交流会现场,为同学们带来了最前沿的金融市场动态,把课堂上的金融知识与当前金融环境联系起来,为同学们一一解惑。
相关附件:- 申请表.xlsx
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