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发布日期:2013-06-21 03:49 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
Baruch MFE Upcoming Events: Meet Us in Peking University
As one of the top 5 MFE programs in the world, Baruch MFE Program is famous for its strict admission (6% admission rate); perfect career service (100% placement rate); and strong alumni network and Wall Street renown (over 90% of alumni work in the financial industry in New York). Beginning in 2012, Baruch MFE built a close cooperation with NSD and recruited top talent from NSD successfully.
We welcome you to participate in Baruch MFE recruiting events in Peking University beginning in September 2013. You will have an opportunity to learn directly from our professors, alumni, and program director about career development after graduation, curriculum, and application. You will also have convenience to apply Baruch MFE program through the internal track, and take the admission interview.
NSD's Double Major Program is the only program worldwide where the Baruch MFE program recruits directly.
Date: October 21-25Location: Peking University
Details will be released at the beginning of the 2013 fall semester
You are also invited to visit Baruch MFE website to get more information of the program. http://mfe.baruch.cuny.edu/
Should you have any questions, please contact us Via email at baruch.mfe@baruch.cuny.edu
We look forward to meeting you in Peking University.
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