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22nd Annual East Asian Seminar on Economics
发布日期:2011-06-24 01:47 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
Authors, please upload your paper here.
National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
China Center for Economic Research
Tsinghua University
Australian National University
Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Korea Development Institute
National University of Singapore
Tokyo Center for Economic Research
22nd Annual East Asian Seminar on Economics
The Role of Government
June 24-25, 2011
National School of Development at Peking University
Beijing, China
Thursday, June 23:
4:25 pm
Meet in Lakeview Hotel Lobby for Bus to Summer Palace
5:25 pm
Meet in Lakeview Hotel Lobby for Bus to Summer Palace
7:00 pm
Opening Reception, Ting Li Guan Restaurant in Summer Palace
Friday, June 24:
8:45 am
Meet in Lakeview Hotel Lobby for Bus to Conference Site
Session 1. International Finance and Trade
9:00 am
Qingyuan Du, Columbia University
Shang-Jin Wei, Columbia University and NBER
A Darwinian Perspective on the Chinese Exchange Rate
Discussants: Francis Lui, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jianguo Xu, CCER
10:00 am
Martin Berka, Massey University
Michael Devereux, University of British Columbia and NBER
What Determines European Real Exchange Rates?
Discussants: Andrew Rose, University of California at Berkeley and NBER
Shang-Jin Wei, Columbia University and NBER
11:00 am
11:15 am
Yi Wen, Tsinghua University
Making Sense of China’s Excessive Foreign Reserves
Discussants: Takatoshi Ito, University of Tokyo and NBER
Yiping Huang, CCER
12:15 pm
1:30 pm
Woochan Kim, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Korea Investment Corporation: Its Origin and Evolution
Discussants: Ludwig Linbo He, China Investment Corporation
Yiping Huang, CCER
2:30 pm
2:45 pm
Binkai Chen, Central University of Finance and Economics
Yang Yao, CCER
The Cursed Virtue: Government Infrastructural Investment and Household Consumption in Chinese Provinces
Discussants: Renato Reside, University of the Philippines
Mark Spiegel, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Session 2. Financial Markets, Consumption and Taxation
3:45 pm
Hyung-Kwon Jeong, Bank of Korea
Sung Wook Joh, Seoul National University
Risk Taking of “TBIF” Banks in a Concentrated Market: Evidence from Surviving Banks after a Financial Crisis
Discussants: Kaoru Hosono, Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance
Renato Reside, University of the Philippines
4:45 pm
Adjourn by Bus
5:00 pm
Group Dinner, Quan Ju De Roast Duck Restaurant
Zhong Guan Cun Street No. 1
Saturday, June 25:
8:15 am
Meet in Lakeview Hotel Lobby for Bus to Conference Site
8:30 am
Zvi Bodie, Boston University
Joseph Cherian, National University of Singapore
Chua Wee Kang, National University of Singapore
Worry-Free Inflation-Indexing for Sovereigns: How Governments can Effectively Deliver Inflation-Indexed Returns to their Citizens and Retirees
Discussants: Kaoru Hosono, Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance
Qing Liu, Tsinghua University
9:30 am
Chong-En Bai, Tsinghua University
Binzhen Wu, Tsinghua University
Payroll Tax and Household Consumption
Discussants: Martin Berka, Massey University
Bruce Meyer, University of Chicago and NBER
10:30 am
10:45 am
Bruce Meyer, University of Chicago and NBER
James Sullivan, University of Notre Dame
Consumption and Income Inequality in the U.S. Since the 1960s
Discussants: Lucas Davis, UC, Berkeley and NBER
Yongheng Deng, National University of Singapore
11:45 am
Shin-Horng Chen, CIER
Meng-chun Liu, CIER
Pei-Chang Wen, CIER
The ECFA and Its Effect on Cross-Strait Trade and Investment: A Taiwanese Perspective
Discussants: Somkiat Tangkitvanich, TDRI
Miaojie Yu, CCER
12:45 pm
Session 3. Regulated Industries (Nuclear, Health Care)
2:00 pm
Lucas Davis, UC, Berkeley and NBER
Catherine Wolfram, UC, Berkeley and NBER
Deregulation, Consolidation, and Efficiency: Evidence from U.S. Nuclear Power
Discussants: Somkiat Tangkitvanich, TDRI
Jintao Xu, Peking University
3:00 pm
3:15 pm
Ayako Kondo, Osaka University
Hitoshi Shigeoka, Columbia University
Effects of Universal Health Insurance on Health Care Utilization and Health Outcomes: Evidence from Japan
Discussants: Janet Currie, Columbia University and NBER
Haruko Noguchi, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
4:15 pm
Janet Currie, Columbia University and NBER
Erdal Tekin, Georgia State University and NBER
Is the Foreclosure Crisis Making Us Sick?
Discussants: Yongheng Deng, National University of Singapore
Haruko Noguchi, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
5:15 pm
Sunday, June 26:
8:30 am
Meet in Lakeview Hotel Lobby for Optional Sight-Seeing Tour of Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven and Silk Street
tour details
Participants will be staying at:
The Lakeview Hotel
No. 127, Zhongguancun North Road
Haidian District, Beijing, China, TEL (86 10)82689999
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