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“Provider Payment Incentives in the Asia-Pacific” conference
发布日期:2008-11-04 11:59 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
“Provider Payment Incentives in the Asia-Pacific” conference, including
The changing transfer system in China - Evidence from the National Transfer Account and Policy Implications
November 7-8, 2008
Venue: China Center for Economic Research, Peking University, Beijing, PRC
Friday November 7
8:30 – 9:00 am Conference registration
9:00-9:10 Welcoming remarks
9:10-11:50 Session I
1:20-3:20 Session II
3:20-3:35 Break
3:35-5:35 Session III
Saturday November 8
9:00-12:00 Session IV
1:30-3:15 Session V: Policy discussion: The changing transfer system in China - Evidence from the National Transfer Account and Policy Implications
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30-5:15 Session VI: Policy discussion: China’s Health System and the Role of Payment Reform
5:15-5:45 Conference closing and next steps
Contact person: Miss Minyao Wang
Tel: 13366670094 Email: minyao.wang.ccer@gmail.com
Friday November 7
8:30 – 9:00 am Conference registration
9:00-9:10 Welcoming remarks
9:10-11:50 Session I
Chair: Ling Li, Peking University
Inter-scheme Discrepancies in Pharmaceutical Utilization among Beneficiaries of Public Health Insurance Systems in Thailand
Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University
Puree Anantachoti, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University
Discussant: Christopher James, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Financial Incentives and Physicians’ Prescription Decisions on the Choice between Brand-Name and Generic Drugs: Evidence from Taiwan
Ya-Ming Liu, Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University
Yea-Huei Kao Yang, Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, National Cheng Kung University
Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
Discussant: Simon Kang-Hung Chang, Department of Economics, Michigan State University
The Healer or the Druggist: Impacts of Two Health Care Reforms in Taiwan on the Substitution between Physician and Pharmacist Services
Kang-Hung Chang, Department of Economics, Michigan State University
Discussant: Ya-Ming Liu, Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University
An Unhealthy Public Private Tension: The Impact of Physician Pharmacy Ownership on Prescribing Practices and Patient Spending [Philippines]
Christopher James, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
John Peabody, Orville Solon, Stella Quimbo, Kara Hanson
Discussant: Karen Eggleston, Stanford University
1:20-3:20 Session II
Chair: Soonman Kwon, Seoul National University
Incentive and competition in the hospital market under global budgets [Taiwan]
Jui-fen Rachel Lu, Department of Health Care Management, College of Management, Chang Gung University; with Ji-Tian Sheu and Chee-Ruey Hsieh
Discussant: Wei Wang, University of Pittsburgh
How do High-Cost Patients Fare under the Global Budget Policy?— Evidence from China
Wei Wang, Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh
Discussant: Zhe Zhang, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Access to and Efficiency of Hospital Services in Multiple Health Insurance Payment Environments [Thailand]
Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University
Discussant: Jui-fen Rachel Lu, Chang Gung University
3:20-3:35 Break
3:35-5:35 Session III
Chair: Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Academia Sinica
Allocation of Control Rights and Cooperative Efficiency in Public-Private Partnerships Based on Public-Private Partnerships in the Medical and Health Fields in China
Zhe Zhang, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Discussant: Hong Liu, Central University of Finance and Economics
Improving Sustainability and Equity of Nongovernmental Organization Health Services through Performance-based Provider Incentives: Results from a Pilot Study in Bangladesh
Dennis N.W. Chao, RTI International
Discussant: Madeleine Valera, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
Quality Improvement Demonstration Study: The Effect of a Bonus Scheme on Physician Satisfaction [Philippines]
Madeleine Valera, Senior Vice President for Health Finance Policy and Services Sector, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
Discussant: Dennis N.W. Chao, RTI International
Saturday November 8
9:00-12:00 Session IV
Chair: Shinya Matsuda, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Has the Use of Physician Gatekeepers Declined among Managed Care Organizations? Evidence from the United States
Hai Fang, Health Economics Research Group, University of Miami
Hong Liu, Assistant Professor, China Economics and Management Academy, Central University of Finance and Economics
Dr. John A. Rizzo, Department of Economics and Preventive Health Stony Brook University
Discussant: Kenji Fujimori, Hokkaido University Hospital
Health Care System Reform in Japan: Development of a Casemix-based Evaluation System
Shinya Matsuda, Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan
Kenji Fujimori, Associate Professor, Division of Medical Management, Hokkaido University Hospital
Hideki Hashimoto, Department of Health Economics and Epidemiology Research, University of Tokyo School of Public Health
Discussant: Karen Eggleston, Stanford University
Provider Payment Reforms in Korea
Soonman Kwon, Seoul National University
Case-based Provider Payment Reforms in China
Qingyue Meng, Shandong University (to be presented by Baorong Yu)
Discussant: Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin, Mahidol University
The Incentive Mechanism for Medical Service Supplier by China Medical Insurance Payment Pattern
Yiyong Yi, Wei Xing, Lu Li
State Development and Reform Commission Social Development Research Institute
Discussant: Baorong Yu, Shandong University
1:30-3:15 Session V: Policy discussion: The changing transfer system in China - Evidence from the National Transfer Account and Policy Implications
Chair: Karen Eggleston, Stanford University
The Changing Health System in China
Ling Li, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University
Ongoing Health System Reform in China
Haichao Lei, Department of Health Policy and Regulation, Ministry of Health, PRC
Challenges for China to adopt a prospective payment system: Thoughts from the U.S. experience
Wei Yu, Shanghai University of Finance & Economic
The Payment System Practice in Hospitals
Shan Wang, Renmin Hospital, Peking University
Normative Research on Payment System of Healthcare Service in China
Zhenzhong Zhang, China Health Economics Institute, Ministry of Health
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30-5:15 Session VI: Policy discussion: China’s Health System Reform and the Role of Payment Reform
Chair: Ling Li
5:15-5:45 Conference closing and next steps
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