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- Promising Scholars Fund
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Introduction to Promising Scholars Fund
发布日期:2015-10-08 11:33 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
- The Objective
“New Structural Economics (NSE)” is proposed and championed by Professor Justin Yifu Lin. NSE proposes to use neoclassical economic approach to study the determinants of economic structure, including technology, industry, infrastructure and institution, and its evolution in the process of economic development. The starting point of analysis in NSE is an economy’s endowments and endowments structure, which are given at any specific time and changeable over times. From the perspective of NSE, the best way to achieve dynamic, inclusive and sustainable growth in a country is for the country to develop its industries according to the comparative advantage determined by its endowments in a market economy with a facilitating state. The NSE has been endorsed by renowned economists worldwide including more than ten Nobel Laureates and its application has received attention from scholars and policymakers in developing countries. As the third wave of development thinking, NSE aims to advance theoretical innovations in economics discipline by systematically analyzing structural differences between advanced economies and developing economies.
“Promising Scholars Fund (PSF)” is initiated by the Center for New Structural Economics at Peking University and funded by the NSE Special Research Fund, which aims to encourage post-doctors and scholars to proactively apply the NSE to their own research, thus promoting the third wave of development thinking and contributing to economic growth all over the world, especially in developing countries.
- The Academic Review Committee
The Center for NSE will invite scholars, who have solid theoretical and empirical background and are familiar with development economics, especially the NSE, to form the Academic Review Committee for NSE Special Research Fund. Professor Justin Yifu Lin, the honorary dean of the National School of Development (NSD) at Peking University will be the chairman of the Academic Review Committee. Members of the committee will serve as mentors of selected teams (or individuals), providing academic guidance during the second-round review, mid-term evaluation and final evaluation.
- Implementation of Promising Scholars Fund (PSF)
1. PSF Program: This program aims to encourage post-doctoral researchers and young scholars to proactively apply the NSE to their own research. Each selected team (or individuals) will receive RMB 30,000.
2. New Structural Economics Paper Award: The Center for NSE will grant awards to research teams (or individuals) that are supported by PSF program and have published their research papers in academic journals. The award will be up to RMB 25,000.
3. New Structural Economics Data Award: The Center for NSE will grant awards to research teams (or individuals) that collect and share research data (both raw and processed data) which helps to advance the NSE empirical research. The award will range from RMB 1,000 to RMB 5,000.4. Excellent researchers will have the opportunity to present their papers at the NSE Special Research Fund Workshop followed by the NSE International Conference held in December every year.
5. Apart from the above, NSE will provide the following opportunities for award winners as well:
(1) Opportunities to exchange ideas with renowned economists including Professor Justin Yifu Lin;
(2) Opportunities to participate in research programs at the Center for New Structural Economics;
(3) Opportunities to be recommended by the Center for New Structural Economics to publish research papers in top academic journals;
(4) Opportunities to participate in the NSE Advanced Methodology Workshop and Summer School.If you’re interested in our program, please click here http://jsform.com/f/ph6hv1 to start registration and submit your application before 24 pm (Beijing time) of November 16th, 2015.
For essential information, please refer to Annex 1, PSF Implementation Measures. For other information or for any questions about our program, please email us at nseresearch@nsd.pku.edu.cn
Center for New Structural Economics is looking forward to your application!
Center for New Structural Economics at Peking University
October 8th, 2015
Annex 1. PSF Implementation Measures
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