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发布日期:2016-10-25 01:12 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
No.E2016012 October 2016
Leaders' Education and Economic Liberalization
Jingheng Li、Tianyang Xi、Yang Yao
The ideas of political leaders play a fundamental role in shaping economic policies. In this paper, we empirically examine how economic liberalization is affected by leaders' educational backgrounds, which we interpret as a major source of ideas. Relying on a data set about economic liberalizations in over 140 countries and originally collected data on national leaders, we find strong effects of leaders' education on promoting liberalization. The effects are most telling for leaders with majors in economics and natural science. Falsification tests show that the results are unlikely to be driven by unobservable factors that simultaneously give rise to liberalization and the selection of highly educated leaders.
Exploring the sample of random leadership transitions attest to the baseline results. We also show the robustness of estimates by considering partisan affiliation, political institutions, public opinion, and geopolitics as alternative channels.
Keywords: Political leaders, Education, Economic liberalization, Ideas versus interests
JEL: E61, H11, M12, O20
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