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发布日期:2016-04-12 10:02 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
Measured Wage Inequality and Input Trade Liberalization: Evidence from Chinese Firms
No.E2016006 April 2016
Bo Chen Miaojie Yu Zhihao Yu
This paper investigates how input trade liberalization affects within‐firm wage inequality betweenskilled and unskilled labor. First a Mincer‐type approach is developed to estimate the impact using Chinese firm‐level production data. After controlling for output trade liberalization, the analysis finds evidence that input trade liberalization widens within‐firm measured wage inequality. The effect is more pronounced for importing rms. The analysis also finds wage polarization in China:the middle range of workers in the skill distribution has gained relatively less in real terms from input trade liberalization compared with less and more skilled workers.
The findings are robust to different measures of wage inequality, as well as different empirical specifications and data spans.
JEL Classifications: F10, F12, F14
Keywords: Wage Inequality, Input Trade Liberalization, Firm Evidence论文全文下载 wage inequality
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