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王岚- 邮箱:lanwang@nsd.pku.edu.cn
本科生课程:管理学基础、数字时代的组织行为与领导力; 博士生课程:组织行为学、管理学学术写作 ; MBA课程(英文):行为科学、战略人力资源管理、商业分析
Wang, L., & Cotton, R. (2024). Revitalizing Colleague‐Specific Human Capital: Boomerang and Pipeline‐Based Hiring in a 41‐Year Multilevel Study of Employee Mobility. Human Resource Management.
Wang, L., Chen, X. P., & Yin, J. (2024). Leading via virtual communication: A longitudinal field experiment on work team creativity in an extreme context. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41(1), 195-231.
Zhu, G., Wang, L., & Hall, D. T. (2023). Optimize your leadership pipeline: leveraging HR analytics for C-suite executive development. International Journal of Manpower, 44(7), 1328-1361.
Wang, L., Han, J., Ramasamy, B., & Peng, S. (2022). Incongruous employer brand signals and organizational attractiveness: Evidence from multinational companies in China. Human Resource Management, 61(5), 563-584.
Zhu, L., & Wang, L. (2022). Narrowing ideal self-discrepancy: the roles of organizational career management and protean career orientation. Career Development International, 27(2), 222-244.
Wang, L., & Cotton, R. (2018). Beyond Moneyball to social capital inside and out: The value of differentiated workforce experience ties to performance. Human Resource Management, 57(3), 761-780.
Wang, L., Han, J., Fisher, C. M., & Pan, Y. (2017). Learning to share: Exploring temporality in shared leadership and team learning. Small Group Research, 48(2), 165-189.
Waters, L., Briscoe, J. P., Hall, D. T., & Wang, L. (2014). Protean career attitudes during unemployment and reemployment: A longitudinal perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84(3), 405-419.
王岚, & 温馨. (2021). 无边界和易变职业生涯研究的知识演变和展望. 华南理工大学学报 (社会科学版), 23(2), 58-72.
书 章:
Lea Waters, Douglas T. Hall, Lan Wang, & Joh P. Briscoe (2015). Protean Career Orientation: a Review of Existing and Emerging Research. In R., Bruke, K. M., Page, & C. L., Cooper, Flourishing in Life, Work and Careers. (pp. 235-255). Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lea Waters, Mathew White, Lan Wang, & Simon Murray (2015). Leading Whole-school Change. In M., White, & S., Murray. Evidence-based Approaches to Positive Education in Schools: Implementing a Strategic Framework for Well-being in Schools. (pp. 43-63). Series Editor Ilona Boniwell. Netherlands: Springer.
Lan Wang, Douglas T. Hall, & Lea Waters (2014). Finding Meaning during the Retirement Process: Identity Development in Later Career Years. Oxford Handbook of Psychology Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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