  • 电话:010-62758934

汪浩,现任北京大学国家发展研究院经济学教授、金光讲席教授。汪浩教授为The Ohio State University经济系经济学博士,主要研究方向是产业组织理论、企业战略、反垄断与政府规制。

  • 北大国发院经济学教授、金光讲席教授
  • 产业组织,定价策略,零售,反垄断
  • (研究生)高级微观经济学,产业组织理论 (本科生)信息经济学,产业组织理论

“Optimal Indirect Taxes and Subsidies under Imperfect Competition”, Journal of Institutional andTheoretical Economics, 174(2),2018, pp. 334-350.

“Health Insurance, Market Power, and Social Welfare,” with Run Liang. International Journal of Economic Theory, 13(4), 2017, pp. 427-442.

“Are Invisible Hands Good Hands in Health Care Markets? Extension,” The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 17(1), 2017.

“Spatial Competition and Lowest Price Commitment,” Frontier of Economics in China, 11(3), 2016, pp.519-536.

“Buyer Uncertainty and Two-Part Pricing: Theory and Applications,” with Ivan Png, Management Science, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2010, pp. 334-342.

“Buyer Power, Transport Cost and Welfare,” Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2010, pp. 41-53.

“Distributor Contracts to Support Optimal Inventory Holdings under Demand Uncertainty,” with Howard Marvel, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 27, No. 5, 2009, pp. 625-631.

“Inventories, Return Policy, and Equilibrium Price Dispersion under Demand Uncertainty,” with Howard Marvel, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2007, pp. 1031-1051.

“Slotting Allowances and Retailer Market Power,” Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2006, pp. 68-77.

“Retailer Heterogeneity, Intra-Brand Competition and Social Welfare,” Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2005, pp. 87-97.

“Do Return Policies intensify Retail Competition?” Marketing Science, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2004, pp. 611-613.

“Resale Price Maintenance in an Oligopoly with Uncertain Demand,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2004, pp. 389-411.

“基于精算分析的弹性退休方案”,《财经问题研究》2016 年第 8 期,93-99 页。

“国有产权、创新激励与社会福利:混合所有制效率研究”,《经济学报》,第 2 卷第 3 期,2015年 9 月,1-17 页(中国人民大学书报资料中心《产业经济》(F3)2016 年第 1 期全文转载)。

“医疗保险的福利效应”,与梁润合作,《南方经济》2010 年第 6 期,3-16 页。

“基于信息不对称的卫生经济学理论”, 与李玲,曾垚合作,《中国卫生经济》2010 年 5 期,5-8页。

“医疗服务, 医疗保险与管理医疗”,《世界经济》2010 年第 1 期,总第 377 期,34-48 页(中国人民大学书报资料中心《体制改革》(MF1)2010 年第 4 期全文转载)。

“最优流转税与超额负担”, 《南开经济研究》2009 年第 2 期,总第 146 期,29-41 页。

“现金分红与我国股票权证的理论价值”,《金融学季刊》,2008,Vol. 4, No. 1, 1-18 页。

“通道费与零售商市场力量”,《经济评论》,2006 年第 1 期,总第 137 期,29-34 页。(中国人民大学书报资料中心《商贸经济》(F51)2006 年第 4 期全文转载。)

“公共产品供给与房地产市场调控:理论分析与政策建议”,与王小龙合作,《财经问题研究》,2005 年第 11 期,总第 264 期,38-42 页。

“零售商异质性与零售价格维持”,《经济学季刊》,2004,Vol.3 (增刊),125-134 页。

“弱 1-凸对策及其解的概念”,与胡显佑合作, 《经济数学》, Vol.13, No.1, 1996, 38-45 页。