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黄炜- 邮箱:huangwei@nsd.pku.edu.cn
北大博雅青年学者、北大国发院经济学副教授(长聘),海外高层次国家级青年人才计划入选者,国发院本科教学主任、健康老龄与发展研究中心副主任。先后任职于美国经济研究局(NBER)、新加坡国立大学(NUS)和美国埃默里大学(Emory University)。研究兴趣主要集中于劳动经济学、健康经济学和公共经济学等领域。黄炜老师于2016年获得哈佛大学经济学博士学位。黄炜老师在 Nature,REStat,AEJ-applied,JoLE,JDE, JHR, JEP 和《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《世界经济》、《经济学》(季刊) 国内外顶尖学术期刊上发表论文40余篇。担任国际SSCI杂志EoT 共同主编, JHE, JEBO, CER和JAE副主编以及《经济学》(季刊)副主编。曾获张培刚发展经济学青年学者奖,青木昌彦经济学论文奖,教育部人文社科优秀成果-青年成果奖等。
硕博研究生:公共经济学、健康经济学、经济学论文写作; 本科生:计量经济学、经济学研究训练、经济学研究与写作(荣誉课)。
How Does Undervaluation in Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) Affect Healthcare Utilization? Evidence from Administrative Data in China. with Xiaoyan Lei and Yuqi Ta. Accepted by Journal of Health Economics.
Motherhood Penalty and Low Fertility in China: A Pseudo-Event Study. with Yiping Wang, Hantao Wu, and Yi Zhou. Accepted by Journal of Population Economics.
Luo, Wei, Wei Huang,* and Albert Park. Social Norms and the Impact of Early Life Events on Gender Inequality. Journal of Human Resources (Forthcoming). doi: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.1020-11229R3
Huang, Wei, Yinghao Pan, and Yi Zhou. One-Child Policy, Marriage Distortion and Welfare Loss. The Review of Economics and Statistics (Forthcoming). doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/rest_a_01332
Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, Guangjun Shen, and Ang Sun. Beyond Nature and Nurture: The Impact of Maternal Education on Child Health. Journal of Human Resources (Forthcoming). doi: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0220-10720R4
Guo, Naijia, Wei Huang,* and Ruixin Wang. Public Pensions and Family Dynamics: Eldercare, Child Investment, and Son Preference in Rural China. Journal of Development Economics (2025): 103390.
Huang, Wei, Mi Luo, Yuqi Ta, and Boxian Wang. Land Expropriation, Household Behaviors, and Health Outcomes: Evidence from China. Journal of Development Economics (2024): 103358.
Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, and Miao Yu. Economic Policy Uncertainty, Health Status, and Mortality. Social Science & Medicine (2024): 117227.
Hu, Zhi-An, Wei Huang,* Wei Luo, Wuyue You, and Chuanchuan Zhang. The Educational and Labor Market Consequences of Teenage Exposure to Rural Land Decollectivization in China. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 228 (2024): 106771.
Huang, Wei, Teng Li, Yinghao Pan, and Jinyang Ren. Teacher Characteristics and Student Performance: Evidence from Random Teacher-Student Assignments in China. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 214 (2023): 747-781.
Huang, Wei, and Hong Liu. Early Childhood Exposure to Health Insurance and Adolescent Outcomes: Evidence from Rural China. Journal of Development Economics 160 (2023): 102925.
Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, and Ang Sun. Fertility Restrictions and Life Cycle Outcomes: Evidence from the One Child Policy in China. The Review of Economics and Statistics 103, no. 4 (2021): 694-710.
Huang, Wei, and Chuanchuan Zhang. The Power of Social Pensions: Evidence from China’s New Rural Pension Scheme. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 13, no. 2 (2021): 179-205.
Dai, Mi, Wei Huang,* and Yifan Zhang. How Do Households Adjust to Tariff Liberalization? Evidence from China’s WTO Accession. Journal of Development Economics 150 (2021): 102628.
Dai, Mi, Wei Huang,* and Yifan Zhang. Persistent Effects of Initial Labor Market Conditions: The Case of China’s Tariff Liberalization after WTO Accession. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 178 (2020): 566-581.
Glaeser, Edward, Wei Huang, Yueran Ma, and Andrei Shleifer. A Real Estate Boom with Chinese Characteristics. Journal of Economic Perspectives 31, no. 1 (2017): 93-116.
Huang, Wei. How does the One Child Policy Impact Social and Economic Outcomes? IZA World of Labor (2017).
Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, and Yaohui Zhao. One-Child Policy and the Rise of Man-made Twins. The Review of Economics and Statistics 98, no. 3 (2016): 467-476.
Freeman, Richard B., and Wei Huang. Collaborating With People Like Me: Ethnic Co-authorship within the US. Journal of Labor Economics 33, no. S1 (2015): S289-S318.
Huang, Wei. Do ABCs Get More Citations than XYZs? Economic Inquiry 53, no. 1 (2015): 773-789.
Cutler, David M., Wei Huang, and Adriana Lleras-Muney. When Does Education Matter? The Protective Effect of Education for Cohorts Graduating in Bad Times. Social Science & Medicine 127 (2015): 63-73.
Freeman, Richard B., and Wei Huang. Collaboration: Strength in Diversity. Nature 513, no. 7518 (2014): 305-305.
Huang, Wei, and Yi Zhou. Effects of Education on Cognition at Older Ages: Evidence from China’s Great Famine. Social Science & Medicine 98 (2013): 54-62.
Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, Geert Ridder, John Strauss, and Yaohui Zhao. Health, Height, Height Shrinkage, and SES at Older Ages: Evidence from China. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 5, no. 2 (2013): 86-121.
中文发表:疫苗接种、人力资本积累及其经济收益 (与何凡、王姣),经济学(季刊),待刊。
何凡, 陈波, 黄炜*. 行业规范标准化与资本跨区流动——基于企业异地投资的研究 [J]. 管理世界, 2024, 40(07): 204-220.
曾鑫, 黄炜, 何凡*. 跨境运输的稳就业效应——来自中国上市企业的证据 [J]. 世界经济文汇, 2024, 01(03): 21-38.
刘婉琳,张庆,黄炜*.校园微观环境对留守儿童学业表现的影响 [J]. 经济学报,2024,v.11;No.42(02):447-488
丁相元, 张子尧*, 黄炜. 大学教育的社会回报——扩招与人力资本外溢效应 [J]. 经济学(季刊), 2024(02): 412-430.
罗奇, 黄炜*. 经济增长与环境保护协同共进:基于贸易政策不确定性下降的污染减排效应视角 [J] 财贸经济, 2024, 45(01): 127-143.
张子尧, 黄炜*, 丁相元, 尹恒. 企业社会保险缴费负担与劳动收入份额:理论分析与经验证据 [J]. 世界经济, 2023, 46(12): 167-196。
王一平,王非,黄炜*. 脱贫共富对人力资本积累的同侪提升效应: 基于随机分班的微观数据检验 [J]. 经济学(季刊), 2023(06):2174-2193. DOI: 10.13821/j.cnki.ceq.2023.06.07
张子尧,黄炜*. 事件研究法的实现、问题和拓展 [J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2023年第9期。
何凡, 曾鑫, 黄炜*. 社保缴费对劳动力就业、工资和家庭储蓄的影响 [J]. 世界经济, 2023(07): 219-240. DOI: 10.19985/j.cnki.cassjwe.2023.07.006.
张川川, 魏旭, 黄炜*. 社会保障项目之间的相互作用:新型农村社会养老保险对医疗保险的挤出 [J]. 经济学(季刊), 2023, 23(03): 860-875. DOI: 10.13821/j.cnki.ceq.2023.03.03.
沓钰淇, 黄炜*, 雷晓燕. 实物类转移支付的道德风险:以中国城职保个人账户为例 [J]. 世界经济, 2023, 46(05): 201-230. DOI: 10.19985/j.cnki.cassjwe.2023.05.008.
胡龙海, 黄炜, 任昶宇, 周羿*. 风险感知、网络搜索与消费扭曲 [J]. 经济学(季刊), 2023, 23(02): 425-446. DOI: 10.13821/j.cnki.ceq.2023.02.02.
黄炜, 任昶宇, 周羿*. 退休制度、劳动供给与收入消费动态 [J]. 经济研究, 2023, 58(01): 141-157.
汪佩洁, 蒙克, 黄海, 黄炜*. 社会保险缴费率与企业全要素生产率和创新 [J] 经济研究, 2022, 57(10): 69-85.
殷戈, 黄炜*, 周羿. 社会资本在人力资本积累中的作用:以党员家长在班级层面的溢出效应为例 [J]. 经济学报, 2022, 9(04): 243-270. DOI: 10.16513/j.cnki.cje.20221024.002.
王明哲, 周迪, 黄炜*. 扶贫先扶志——脱贫家庭内生动力对返贫风险的影响 [J]. 世界经济文汇, 2022(05): 1-18.
宋弘, 罗吉罡, 黄炜*. 教育扶贫与人力资本积累:事实、机制与政策含义 [J].世界经济,2022, 45(10): 3-27. DOI: 10.19985/j.cnki.cassjwe.2022.10.005.
亢延锟, 黄海, 张柳钦, 黄炜*. 产学研合作与中国高校创新 [J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2022, 39(10): 129-149. DOI: 10.13653/j.cnki.jqte.20220920.005.
黄炜, 沓钰淇. 医疗保险的道德风险问题:来自中国经验的故事,中国经济学, 2022(01):159-190+376-378.
黄炜, 张子尧*, 刘安然. 从双重差分法到事件研究法,产业经济评论,2022(02): 17-36. DOI:10.19313/j.cnki.cn10-1223/f.20211227.002.
王莉, 亢延锟*, 薛飞, 黄炜. 环境政策效果的综合框架:来自16项试点政策的经验证据 [J] 财贸经济,2022, 43(04): 98-112. DOI:10.19795/j.cnki.cn11-1166/f.20220408.008.
殷戈, 黄海, 黄炜*. 人力资本的代际外溢性——来自“别人家的父母”的证据 [J]. 经济学(季刊), 2020, 19(04): 1491-1514. DOI:10.13821/j.cnki.ceq.2020.03.16.
戴觅, 张轶凡, 黄炜*. 贸易自由化如何影响中国区域劳动力市场? [J]. 管理世界, 2019, 35(06): 56-69. DOI: 10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2019.0079.
科研项目:2024 Subproject PI of the Major Social Science Project “Research on the Primary Focus and Policy Support for Accelerating the Formation of New-Quality Productivity” 社科重大项目“加快形成新质生产力的主攻方向与政策保障研究”子课题负责人 (Subproject PI)
2024 Special Project on Digital and Humanities: Digital Economy Empowering Human Capital and High-Quality Economic Development 2024年数字与人文专项课题:数字经济赋能人力资本与经济高质量发展 (PI)
2024 Planned Textbook Econometrics: Applied Micro Perspectives and Chinese Cases 2024年规划教材项目 《计量经济学:应用微观视角及中国案例》 (PI)
2024-2027 Human Capital Externalities and High-Quality Economic Growth: Phenomena, Mechanisms and Impacts, NSFC General Program 自科面上项目: 人力资本外部性与经济高质量增长:现象、机制和影响 (PI)
2024-2025 Peking University Fourth Batch of AI-Enhanced Curriculum Development Project (General Project): Development of an Auxiliary Teaching System Based on Large Language Models 北京大学第四批(2024年)人工智能助推课程建设项目(一般项目): 基于大语言模型的辅助教学体系建设 (PI)
2023-2024 Peking University Tong Shan Education Fund Research Grant Project (Key Project): The Long-Term Individual Impact of the Sino-Japanese War 北京大学桐山教育基金研究资助课题(重点项目): 中日战争的个体长期影响 (PI)
2024-2025 Empowering Digital Economy, Enhancing Human Capital, and Online Shopping Consumption, Peking University Digital Finance Research Center 北京大学数字金融研究中心课题:数字经济赋能、人力资本提升与网购消费 (PI)
2024-2025 ADB-PRC project:Responding to Demographic Pressures by Strengthening the Policy Framework Addressing the Low Fertility Landscape (Team Leader)
2024 Undergraduate Education Reform Project:”Practical Reform of the ‘Economic Research Training’ Course” 北京大学24年本科教改项目-《经济学研究训练》课程实践化改革 (PI)
2023-2026 An Economic Analysis and Public Policy Assessment of China’s Declining Birthrate and Aging Population, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars (Overseas) 海外优青项目:中国少子化和老龄化的经济学分析与公共政策评估 (PI)
2023 Undergraduate Education Reform Project: “Exploring the Reform of the ‘Econometrics’ Course” 北京大学23年本科教改项目-《计量经济学》课程改革探索 (PI)
2023-2024 Digital Finance, Retirement Shock, and Asset Allocation among Middle-aged and Elderly, Peking University Digital Finance Research Center 北京大学数字金融研究中心课题:数字金融、退休冲击与中老年资产配置 (PI)
2023-2024 Research on Population Development Strategy: Classification and Estimation of the Cost of Childbearing in China, National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China (人口发展战略研究——我国生育代价的分类和估算, 卫健委) (PI)
2023 Teaching Project for the Graduate Course “Empirical Strategies” at Peking University 2023年北京大学研究生课程《实证策略》建设立项(CI)
2022-2024 Policy Analysis for Healthy Aging in China, Peking University Start-up Fund 北京大学学科建设项目, 中国健康医疗养老政策实证研究 (PI)
2017-2021 Public Policies, Human Capital, and Social Welfare Outcomes, NUS Start-up Fund (PI)
2024 The 9th Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award for Higher Education Institutions (Humanities and Social Sciences) - Young Achievers Award 第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)-青年成果奖
2023 Annual Scholar of the China Youth Agricultural Economists Forum 中国青年农业经济学家论坛年度学者
2023 Masahiko Aoki Award for Economics Papers 第四届青木昌彦经济学论文提名奖
2020 Zhang Peigang Award for Young Scholars in Development Economics 第三届张培刚发展经济学青年学者奖
2018 Innovative Leading Talent (Short-Term) Project, Jiangxi Province ‘Double Thousand Plan’ 江西省“双千计划”创新领军人才(短期)项目
2016-2017 NBER Post-Doctoral Fellowship on Economics of an Aging Workforce
2015-2016 NBER Dissertation Fellowship on Economics of an Aging Workforce
2015-2016 Jeanne Humphrey Block Dissertation Award, Harvard University
2015 Extraordinary Potential Prize of Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad, Chinese Ministry of Education
2011, 2014 Warburg Research Fund, Harvard University
2014 Poster Session Winner, Population Association of America
2013-2014 NBER Pre-doc Fellowship in Aging and Health Economics;
2013-2014 IQSS Graduate Research and Conference Travel Grant, Harvard University
2012 Cheung Yan Family Research Grant, Harvard University
毕业典礼演讲| 黄炜:回归的意义
2024-06-26 -
国发院青年师说 | 黄炜:走心的学术才能行稳致远
2022-10-21 -
2022-10-14 -
何凡、陈波、黄炜 | 物流标准化:促进全国统一大市场建设的新引擎
2024-09-24 -
2024-01-25 -
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