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北京大学博雅特聘教授、北京大学国家发展研究院院长、南南合作与发展学院院长、北京大学数字金融研究中心主任。2024年3月担任中国人民银行货币政策委员会委员(2015年至2018年也曾担任此职务)。目前还兼任中国金融学会副秘书长、中国互联网金融协会金融科技发展与研究专业委员会主任委员,中国金融40人论坛成员,中国经济50人论坛成员,英文学术期刊《China Economic Journal》主编和《Asian Economic Policy Review》副主编。主要研究领域为宏观经济与金融政策。曾经担任国务院农村发展研究中心发展研究所助理研究员、澳大利亚国立大学高级讲师、哥伦比亚大学商学院General Mills经济与金融国际访问教授、花旗集团董事总经理/亚太区首席经济学家、巴克莱董事总经理/亚洲新兴市场经济首席经济学家,以及国际货币基金组织监督事务外部顾问小组成员、国务院参事室金融研究中心研究员。获得澳大利亚国立大学经济学博士、中国人民大学经济学硕士和浙江农业大学农学(农业经济学)学士。
Ji Y, Bian W, Huang Y. Deposit insurance, bank exit, and spillover effects[J]. Journal of Banking & Finance, 2018, 96: 268-276.
Guariglia A, Hou W, Hua X & Huang Y. Chinese capital markets: the importance of history for modern development[J]. 2018.
Huang Y, Wang X. Building an efficient financial system in China: A need for stronger market discipline[J]. Asian Economic Policy Review, 2017, 12(2): 188-205.
Huang Y, Ji Y. How will financial liberalization change the Chinese economy? Lessons from middle-income countries[J]. Journal of Asian Economics, 2017, 50: 27-45.
Gou Q, Huang Y, Xu J. Does ownership matter in access to bank credit in China?[J]. The European Journal of Finance, 2016: 1-23.
Tan Y, Huang Y, Woo W T. Zombie firms and the crowding-out of private investment in China[J]. Asian Economic Papers, 2016, 15(3): 32-55.
Adcock C, Hua X, Huang Y. Are Chinese stock and property markets integrated or segmented?[J]. The European Journal of Finance, 2016, 22(4-6): 345-370.
Tan Y, Ji Y, Huang Y. Completing China's interest rate liberalization[J]. China & World Economy, 2016, 24(2): 1-22.
Wang B, Tan Y, Yu M, et al. Outward direct investment, firm productivity and credit constraints: Evidence from Chinese firms[J]. Pacific Economic Review, 2016, 21(1): 72-83.
Huang Y. Understanding China's Belt & Road initiative: motivation, framework and assessment[J]. China Economic Review, 2016, 40: 314-321.
Wang J, Shen Y, Huang Y. Evaluating the regulatory scheme for internet finance in China: the case of peer-to-peer lending[J]. China Economic Journal, 2016, 9(3): 272-287.
Huang Y. Can China escape the middle-income trap?[J]. China Economic Journal, 2016, 9(1): 17-33.
Shen Y, Huang Y. Introduction to the special issue: Internet finance in China[J]. 2016.
Huang Y, Shen Y, Wang J, et al. 6. Can the Internet Revolutionise Finance in China?[J]. CHINA’S NEW SOURCES OF ECONOMIC GROWTH, 2016: 115.
Huang Y. Comment on “The Social Protection System in Ageing China”[J]. Asian Economic Policy Review, 2015, 10(2): 271-272.
Li R, Huang Y. How Does Financial Opening Affect Industrial Efficiency? The Case of Foreign Bank Entry in the People's Republic of China[J]. Asian Development Review, 2015, 32(1): 90-112.
Huang Y, Wang D, Fan G. Paths to a reserve currency: internationalization of the renminbi and its implications[J]. 2014.
Huang Y, Gou, Wang X. Financial liberalization and the middle-income trap: What can China learn from the cross-country experience?[J]. China Economic Review, 2014, 31: 426-440.
Huang Y, Xie P, Wang J. International Transmission of the People's Bank of China's Balance Sheet Expansion[J]. Asian Economic Policy Review, 2014, 9(2): 276-296.
Fan G, Wang B, Huang Y. Intraregional Cross‐holding of Reserve Currencies: A Proposal for Asia to Deal with the Global Reserve Risks[J]. China & World Economy, 2013, 21(4): 14-35.
Huang Y, Chang J, Yang L. Recovery of Consumption and Rebalance of the Economy in China[J]. Asian Economic Papers, 2013, 12(1): 47-67.
Huang Y, Wang B. Investing overseas without moving factories abroad: The case of Chinese outward direct investment[J]. Asian Development Review, 2013, 30(1): 85-107.
Fan G, Wang B, Huang Y. Intraregional Cross‐holding of Reserve Currencies: A Proposal for Asia to Deal with the Global Reserve Risks[J]. China & World Economy, 2013, 21(4): 14-35.
Huang Y, Chang J, Yang L. Recovery of Consumption and Rebalance of the Economy in China[J]. Asian Economic Papers, 2013, 12(1): 47-67.
Chang J, Yang L, Huang Y. How big is the Chinese Government debt?[J]. China Economic Journal, 2013, 6(2-3): 152-171.
Huang Y, Wang X. Does financial repression inhibit or facilitate economic growth? A case study of Chinese reform experience[J]. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2011, 73(6): 833-855.
Huang Y, Wang X, Gou Q, et al. Achieving capital account convertibility in China[J]. China Economic Journal, 2011, 4(1): 25-42.
Wang B, Huang Y. Chinese Overseas Direct Investment: Is There a China Model?[J].
Huang Y. Dissecting the China puzzle: Asymmetric liberalization and cost distortion[J]. Asian Economic Policy Review, 2010, 5(2): 281-295.
Huang Y, Jiang T. What does the Lewis turning point mean for China? A computable general equilibrium analysis[J]. China Economic Journal, 2010, 3(2): 191-207.
Huang Y, Tao K. Factor market distortion and the current account surplus in China[J]. Asian Economic Papers, 2010, 9(3): 1-36.
Huang Y, Wang B. Cost distortions and structural imbalances in China[J]. China & World Economy, 2010, 18(4): 1-17.
Huang Y, Wang X, Hua X. What determines China's inflation?[J]. China Economic Journal, 2010, 3(1): 69-86.
Huang Y. China's Great Ascendancy and structural risks: consequences of asymmetric market liberalisation[J]. Asian‐Pacific Economic Literature, 2010, 24(1): 65-85.
Hanna D, Huang Y. The impact of SARS on Asian economies[J]. Asian Economic Papers, 2004, 3(1): 102-112.
Huang Y. Is meltdown of the Chinese banks inevitable?[J]. China Economic Review, 2002, 13(4): 382-387.
Bonin J P, Huang Y. Foreign entry into Chinese banking: does WTO membership threaten domestic banks?[J]. World Economy, 2002, 25(8): 1077-1093.
Hanna D, Huang Y. Bank restructuring in post-crisis Asia[J]. Asian Economic Papers, 2002, 1(1): 3-42.
Kalirajan K P, Huang Y. Does China have a grain problem? An empirical analysis[J]. Oxford Development Studies, 2001, 29(1): 45-55.
Bonin J P, Huang Y. Dealing with the bad loans of the Chinese banks[J]. Journal of Asian Economics, 2001, 12(2): 197-214.
Kalirajan K P, Huang Y. Do Chinese Grain Farmers Maximise their Profits?[M]//Productivity and Growth in Chinese Agriculture. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 1999: 208-220.
Yang Y, Huang Y. How important is APEC to China?[J]. Australian Economic Papers, 1999, 38(3): 328-342.
Huang Y, Woo W T, Duncan R. Understanding the decline of China's state sector[J]. MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies, 1998, 9(1): 1-15.
Huang Y, Duncan R. Did competition drive down the profitability of China's state-owned enterprises?[J]. MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies, 1998, 9(1): 49-60.
Huang Y, Yang Y. China's financial fragility and policy responses[J]. Asian‐Pacific Economic Literature, 1998, 12(2): 1-9.
Huang Y, Kalirajan K P. Enterprise reform and technical efficiency of China's state-owned enterprises[J]. Applied economics, 1998, 30(5): 585-592.
Huang Y, Duncan R. Which Chinese state-owned enterprises make losses?[J]. The Asia Pacific Journal of Economics & Business, 1997, 1(2): 41-52.
Yang Y, Huang Y. How should China feed itself?[J]. World Economy, 1997, 20(7): 913-934.
Huang Y, Kalirajan K P. Potential of China's grain production: evidence from the household data[J]. Agricultural Economics, 1997, 17(2-3): 191-199.
Drysdale P, Huang Y. Technological catch‐up and economic growth in East Asia and the Pacific[J]. Economic Record, 1997, 73(222): 201-211.
Feng L, Huang Y. China's trade liberalization and structural adjustments for the world economy[J]. Asian Economic Journal, 1997, 11(3): 283-297.
Huang Y, Duncan R. How successful were China's state sector reforms?[J]. Journal of Comparative Economics, 1997, 24(1): 65-78.
Huang Y, Meng X. China's Industrial Growth and Efficiency: A comparison between the state and the TVE sectors[J]. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 1997, 2(1): 101-121.
Tian X, Duncan R, Huang Y. Industry structural change in rural China, Current Politics and Economics of China, 1997, 1(2/3): 103-118.
Kalirajan K P, Huang Y. An alternative method of measuring economic efficiency: The case of grain production in China[J]. China Economic Review, 1996, 7(2): 193-203.
Drysdale P, Huang Y. Growth, Energy and the Environment: new challenges for the Asian‐Pacific economy[J]. Asian‐Pacific Economic Literature, 1995, 9(2): 1-12.
(代表性)中文学术期刊纪洋, 边文龙, 黄益平. 隐性存保、显性存保与金融危机: 国际经验与中国实践[J]. 经济研究, 2018, 53(8): 22-37.
黄益平, 黄卓. 中国的数字金融发展: 现在与未来[J]. 经济学(季刊), 2018, 17(4): 1489-1502.
张皓星, 黄益平. 情绪、违约率与反向挤兑——来自某互金企业的证据[J]. 经济学(季刊), 2018, 17(4): 1503-1524.
王靖一, 黄益平. 金融科技媒体情绪的刻画与对网贷市场的影响[J]. 经济学(季刊), 2018,17(4): 339-366.
纪洋, 王旭, 谭语嫣, et al. 经济政策不确定性、政府隐性担保与企业杠杆率分化[J]. 经济学(季刊), 2018, 17(2).
黄益平, 王敏, 傅秋子, et al. 以市场化、产业化和数字化策略重构中国的农村金融[J]. 国际经济评论, 2018(3)
谭语嫣, 谭之博, 黄益平, et al. 僵尸企业的投资挤出效应:基于中国工业企业的证据[J]. 经济研究, 2017(5).
黄益平. 防控中国系统性金融风险[J]. 国际经济评论, 2017(5):80-96.
黄益平. 数字普惠金融的机会与风险[J]. 新金融, 2017(8):4-7.
纪洋, 谭语嫣, 黄益平. 金融双轨制与利率市场化[J]. 经济研究, 2016(6):45-57.
黄益平. 破解中国高杠杆陷阱[J]. 理论学习, 2016(5):5-8.
黄益平, 沈艳, 王靖一. 对互联网金融及其监管框架的分析与思考:以个体网络借贷为例[J]. 比较, 2016(2).
王碧珺, 谭语嫣, 余淼杰, et al. 融资约束是否抑制了中国民营企业对外直接投资[J]. 世界经济, 2015(12):54-78.
黄益平. 中国经济外交新战略下的“一带一路”(英文)[J]. 国际经济评论, 2015(2):48-53.
苟琴, 黄益平, 刘晓光. 银行信贷配置真的存在所有制歧视吗?[J]. 管理世界, 2014(1):16-26.
苟琴, 黄益平. 我国信贷配给决定因素分析——来自企业层面的证据[J]. 金融研究, 2014(8):1-17.
林念, 徐建国, 黄益平. 汇率制度、实际汇率与服务业发展:基于跨国面板数据的分析[J]. 世界经济, 2013(2):78-92.
黄益平. 对外直接投资的“中国故事”[J]. 国际经济评论, 2013(1):20-33.
苟琴, 王戴黎, 鄢萍, &黄益平. 中国短期资本流动管制是否有效[J]. 世界经济, 2012(2):26-44.
黄益平, 常健, 杨灵修. 中国的影子银行会成为另一个次债?[J]. 国际经济评论, 2012(2):42-51.
黄益平. 债务风险、量化宽松与中国通胀前景[J]. 国际经济评论, 2011(1):32-39.
黄益平, 王勋. 中国资本项目管制有效性分析[J]. 金融发展评论, 2010(6):107-134.
黄益平, 王勋, 华秀萍. 中国通货膨胀的决定因素[J]. 金融研究, 2010(6):46-59.
黄益平. 国际货币体系变迁与人民币国际化[J]. 国际经济评论, 2009(3):27-29.
黄益平. 亚洲汇率波动及政策挑战[J]. 国际金融研究, 2009(5):39-45.
黄益平. 美国金融危机与中国经济增长前景[J]. 国际金融研究, 2009(1):32-35.
黄益平,John Bonin. 处置中国银行的坏账[J]. 比较社会与经济制度, 1999(6).
黄益平. 制度变迁与长期增长[J]. 经济研究, 1997(1):72-79.
黄益平. 中国粮食政策的第三种选择———兼评立足自给与自由贸易策略[J].农村经济文稿(农业部编), 1997(3): 29-33..
黄益平. 论化肥价格的双轨制[J]. 经济学周报, 1989(5).
黄益平. 关于改造我国传统农业的初步思考[J]. 农业经济问题, 1988(3):30-33.
黄益平. 中国粮食的现状与政策[J]. 粮食经济研究, 1988(1).
黄益平. 关于经济发展的哲学思考[J]. 发展研究, 1988(1).
黄益平. 双规工业化过程与农业发展[J]. 改革与战略, 1988(1).
黄益平. 农业市场改造与社会主义初级阶段[J]. 农村经济与社会, 1988(1).
黄益平. 转型阶段地方政府与部门的行为[J]. 发展研究通讯, 1987(23).
黄益平, 曾寅初. 供求关系与农产品价格政策[J]. 农业技术经济, 1987(5):36-39.
Managing the Middle-Income Transition: Challenging Facing the People’s Republic of China, with Juzhong Zhuang and Paul Vandenberg (editors), Edward Elgar, 2015.
Asian Financial Integration: Impacts of the Global Crisis and Options for Regional Policies, with Shiro Armstrong (editors), Routledge, 2014.
Debating the Lewis turning point in China, with Fang Cai (editors), Routledge, September 2013.
China’s New Role in the World Economy, with Miaojie Yu (editors), Routledge, 2012.
China’s Last Steps Across the River: Enterprise and bank reforms, Asia Pacific Press, Canberra, 2001 (236 pages).
Growth Without Miracles: Readings on the Chinese economy in the era of reform, with Ross Garnaut (editors), paperback and hard cover, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001 (513 pages).
Agricultural Reform in China: getting institutions right, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998 (225 pages).
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