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邓子梁- 电子邮件:zldeng@nsd.pku.edu.cn
邓子梁,北京大学国家发展研究院,教授(Full Professor with Tenure)。
主要研究领域为企业全球战略。国家社会科学基金重大项目《美国制造业回流的举措、效果和影响研究》首席专家(2022-2027)。曾任中国人民大学吴玉章讲席教授、中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院(国家高端智库)研究员。学术论文发表在JIBS、JMS、JWB、《世界经济》等期刊,学术观点被新华社、CGTN、CRI、China Daily等媒体报道,智库成果被中共中央办公厅与新华社《参考清样》等采纳并得到国家领导人批示。
英文学术期刊Journal of International Business Studies(UTD24/FT50/ABS4*)编委、Journal of International Management(ABS3)副主编、Asia Pacific Journal of Management (ABS3)高级编辑、Management and Organization Review(ABS3)编委,Asia Academy of Management副主席。曾任中国人民大学商学院副院长、学术委员会副主任委员,中国人民大学发展规划处副处长、学科规划与建设办公室副主任。
入选北京高校青年英才计划。获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖,国家自然科学基金结题绩效评估“特优”,全国百篇优秀管理案例奖,Academy of International Business全球年会最佳论文提名奖(三次)。国家级精品课程《企业战略管理》与《管理学原理》主讲教师之一。获评中国人民大学学科建设先进个人、科研标兵、外事特殊贡献奖(两次)、优秀博士学位论文指导教师、教学成果一等奖、招生工作优秀个人等,获评中国人民大学商学院最佳本科生教师、高管教育最受欢迎教师、最佳国际MBA教师等。
1. Deng, Z., Huang, E.; Wang, P. 2023. A Power-Dependence Perspective of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis. Journal of Business Research. 169: 114255.
2. Zhu, Z.; Deng, Z. 2023. Board Interlock Tenure and Firm Internationalization. Management and Organization Review. 19(2): 256–278.
3. Yan, J.; Deng, Z.; Meng, S. 2023. The Role of Political Connections in Rapid Internationalisation. International Small Business Journal. 41(6): 623–646.
4. Deng, Z.; Ma, X.; Zhu, Z. (with equal contributions) 2022. Transactional Dependence and Technological Upgrading in Global Value Chains. Journal of Management Studies. 59(2): 390–416.
5. Deng, Z.; Li, T.; Liesch, P. 2022. Performance Shortfalls and Outward Foreign Direct Investment by MNE Subsidiaries: Evidence from China. International Business Review. 31(3): 101952.
² Best Paper Award, Academy of International Business China Chapter Conference, 2017
6. Deng, Z.; Zhu, Z.; Johanson, M.; Hilmersson, M. 2022. Rapid Internationalization and Exit of Exporters: The Role of Digital Platforms. International Business Review. 31(1): 101896.
7. Deng, Z.; Liesch, P.; Wang, Z. 2021. Deceptive Signaling on Globalized Digital Platforms: Institutional Hypnosis and Firm Internationalization. Journal of International Business Studies. 52(6): 1096–1120.
8. Sun, P.; Deng, Z.; Wright, M. 2021. Partnering with Leviathan: The Politics of R&D Investment in Foreign-Host-State Joint Ventures. Journal of International Business Studies. 52(4): 595–620.
9. Ma, X.; Deng, Z.; Tang, Y. (with equal contributions) 2021. Relieving Status Anxiety: How Low-Status Firms Respond to International Status-Heterophilous Relationships. Journal of World Business. 56(6): 101259.
10. Deng, Z.; Yan, J.; Sun, P. 2020. Political Status and Tax Haven Investment of Emerging Market Firms: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics. 165(3): 469–488.
11. Deng, Z.; Jean, R.J.; Sinkovics, R.R. 2018. Rapid Expansion of International New Ventures across Institutional Distance. Journal of International Business Studies. 49(8): 1010–1032.
² 中国人民大学优秀科研成果奖,2019
² 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖,2024
12. Deng, Z.; Yan, J.; van Essen, M. 2018. Heterogeneity of Political Connections and Outward Foreign Direct Investment. International Business Review. 27(4): 893–903.
13. Deng, Z.; Jean, R.J.; Sinkovics, R. R. 2017. Polarizing Effects of Early Exporting on Exit. Management International Review. 57(2): 243–275.
² Finalist, Best Paper Award, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, 2013
14. Deng, Z.; Wang, Z. 2016. Early-mover Advantages at Cross-border Business-to-business E-commerce Portals. Journal of Business Research. 69(12): 6002–6011.
² 中国数字贸易研究奖, 2018
15. Jean, R.J.; Deng, Z.; Kim, D.; Yuan, X. 2016. Assessing Endogeneity Issues in International Marketing Research. International Marketing Review. 33(3): 483–512.
² Highly Commended Award, Emerald Publishing, 2017
16. Wang, S.; Cavusoglu, H.; Deng, Z. 2016. Early Mover Advantage in Low Entry Barrier Ecommerce Platforms: The Role of Customer Relationship Management Capabilities. Information & Management. 53(2): 197–206.
² Best Research-in-Progress Paper, International Conference on Information Systems, 2013
17. Yao. J.; Deng, Z. 2016. Dynamic Resource Integration Optimisation of Global Distributed Manufacturing: An Embeddedness-interaction Perspective. International Journal of Production Research. 54(23): 7143–7157.
18. Yao. J.; Deng, Z. 2015. Scheduling Optimization in the Mass Customization of Global Producer Services. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 62(4): 591–603.
19. Deng, Z.; Guo, H.; Zhang, W.; Wang, C. 2014. Innovation and Survival of Exporters: A Contingency Perspective. International Business Review. 23(2): 396–406.
20. Deng, Z.; Hou, L. 2014. Financial Underdevelopment, Distorted Lending, and Export Market Survival. Journal of International Trade & Economic Development. 23(5): 600–625.
21. Deng, Z.; P. Hofman; A. Newman. 2013. Ownership Concentration and Product Innovation in Chinese Private Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 30(3): 717–734.
22. Deng, Z.; Falvey, R.; Blake, A. 2012. Trading Market Access for Technology? Tax Incentives, Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillovers in China. Journal of Policy Modeling. 34(5): 675–690.
23. Wang, C.; Deng, Z.; Kafouros, M.; Chen, Y. 2012. Reconceptualizing the Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: A Process-dependent Approach. International Business Review. 21(3): 452–464.
24. 邓子梁、原晓惠,2018,制度距离对银行海外经营效率的影响:基于一带一路沿线国家外资银行的实证分析,《中国软科学》,第4期,43–53页。
25. 邓子梁、陈岩,2013,外商直接投资对国有企业生存的影响:基于企业异质性的研究,《世界经济》,第12期,53–69页。
学术著作26. 招商局集团课题组,2019,业绩优秀中央企业公司治理和管理模式研究丛书之《招商局集团公司治理与管理模式探索与实践》,机械工业出版社。
27. Deng, Z. 2011. Foreign Direct Investment in China: Spillover Effects on Domestic Enterprises. London & New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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