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sidenav header background2022年北京大学国家发展研究院招聘管理学师资
发布日期:2022-08-18 12:31 来源:
北京大学始创于1898年,是我国历史最为悠久且享有崇高学术声誉的著名大学之一。北大国发院是国家高端智库,学院前身是由林毅夫等6位海归学者创立的中国经济研究中心,历经二十余载风华,今日国发院在经济学、管理学、公共政策等多个学科领域拥有一大批优秀的人才。国发院秉承北大兼容并包、和而不同的学风,始终以经世济民之情怀,以国家发展为中心议题,立足全球视野,扎根中国现实,致力于推动中国社会的进步。了解国发院的更多信息,请访问:www.nsd.pku.edu.cn .
国发院管理学现设有战略管理、市场营销等方向的博士项目,旨在为高校、政府和其他研究机构培养优秀的学术研究人才。同时,学院开设了中文EMBA项目,旨在培养富于社会情怀和创新精神的商业领袖。此外,学院分别与英国伦敦大学学院(University College London,UCL)和比利时弗拉里克商学院(Vlerick Business School)两所国际知名商学院合作开设MBA项目,旨在培养兼具理论素养和国际视野的管理型人才。
学院管理学领域教授们的研究成果已发表在Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research等国际顶级学术期刊上。
The National School of Development (NSD) at Peking University in China is seeking applications for positions at Associate/Full Professor levels in the fields of Strategy, Marketing, Innovation/Entrepreneurship, and Organization Theory. Responsibilities include conducting rigorous academic research and teaching courses at different levels (e.g., the Undergraduate, MBA/EMBA/EDP, and doctoral levels). Ideal applicants must hold a doctoral degree from a globally reputable research university and have an exceptional record of research and teaching excellence in their respective field of study. We offer competitive compensation and benefits. The expected starting date is the fall of 2023 or negotiable.
About The National School of Development at Peking University
Peking University is China’s first modern university and is one of China’s most prestigious universities. NSD at Peking University offers a multidisciplinary environment for teaching and research in the areas of economics, management, and public policy. It upholds Peking University’s values of inclusiveness and academic freedom, promotes socially meaningful research, and is committed to contributing to China’s economic and social progress. More information on NSD can be found at https://en.nsd.pku.edu.cn/.
The management area houses its own doctoral program designed to develop outstanding scholars for careers in academia. It hosts two MBA programs in collaboration with internationally acclaimed business schools, University College London (UCL) of UK and Vlerick Business School of Belgium, respectively. It also offers an Executive MBA Program taught in Chinese that confers an EMBA degree from Peking University. The official working languages include both Chinese and English.
Our current faculty members in the management area publish in leading journals, such as Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, as well as top tier scholarly journals in Chinese.
Application Instructions:
Interested candidates should provide a letter of interest, a current curriculum vita, research and teaching statements, copies of their exemplary works, a summary of recent course evaluations, and three letters of recommendation.
All materials should be sent by email to slshen@nsd.pku.edu.cn no later than December 9th, 2022 to receive full consideration. The positions will remain open until filled.
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