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朱胜豪- 电子邮箱:sz4362@gmail.com
1.“Existence of the stationary equilibrium in an incomplete market model with endogenous labor supply,” International Economic Review, 2020, Vol. 61,1115-1138.
2.“Bubbles and house price dispersion in the United States during 1975-2017,” with Yang Tang and Ting Zeng, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2020, Vol. 63, Article 103163.
3.“A Becker-Tomes model with investment risk,” Economic Theory, 2019, Vol. 67, 951-981.
4.“Bequests, estate taxes, and wealth distributions,” with Jing Wan, Economic Theory, 2019, Vol. 67, 179-210.
5.“The distribution of wealth in the Blanchard-Yaari model,” with Jess Benhabib and Alberto Bisin, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2016, Vol. 20, 466-481.
6.“The wealth distribution in Bewley economies with capital income risk,” with Jess Benhabib and Alberto Bisin, Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, Vol. 159, 489-515.
7.“Comparisons of stationary distributions of linear models,” Economics Letters, 2013, Vol. 119, 221-223.
8.“The distribution of wealth and fiscal policy in economies with finitely lived agents,” with Jess Benhabib and Alberto Bisin, Econometrica, 2011, Vol. 79, 123-157.
1.“Intentional bequest motives and the choice of annuity,” with Haoming Liu and Changcheng Song.
2.“The endogenous Pareto parameter and top income optimal tax rates,” with Shih-Ying Wu and C.C. Yang.
3.“Adverse selection and inequality,” with Yaping Wu,
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