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发布日期:2023-04-06 10:14 来源:
Call for Papers
The 2nd Annual Conference of CAERE
Chinese Association of Environmental and Resource Economists July 12-14, 2023
Peking University, Beijing, ChinaThe Second Annual Conference of the Chinese Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (CAERE) will be held in Peking University, Beijing, China, during July 12-14, 2023. The conference will cover a broad spectrum of topics in environmental, resource and ecological economics,that could be either theoretical or empirical. Researchers all over the world are welcome to attend the conference in person. For those who are interested in presenting papers in the conference, please submit full papers or extended abstracts in PDF version either in English or in Chinese:
To: caere2023@163.com
By: May 8, 2023.
Please format the email subject as “First author name – Paper title”.
Decisions about the paper acceptance for presentation will be made by May 22, 2023.
Registered in Hongkong, China, in 2016, CAERE is a nonprofit professional organization, promoting research cooperation and academic exchange worldwide in the areas of environmental, ecological and resource economics. The conference host, Peking University, will cover the cost of conference logistics. No conference registration fee is required. Participants should be responsible for their own travel costs and accommodations.
For those who live outside of China but would like to attend the conference, please send your name, affiliation and your country/region name, to caere2023@163.com, as soon as you have decided to attend the conference, in order to have the conference better prepared. Formal registration will start after May 22, 2023. Any questions regarding the conference, or the association, should be sent to the email: caere2023@163.com.
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