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宏观经济学workshop:Borrowing like China? A Theory of Guarantee Multipliers
发布日期:2024-03-29 12:00 来源:
题目: Borrowing like China? A Theory of Guarantee Multipliers
时间:2024年3月29日 上午10:00 – 11:30
摘要:Government guarantees on collateral yield a multiplier effect, whereby levying one unit of tax to provide guarantees can amplify loan volumes by more than one unit. The policy works through facilitating efficient utilization of the collateral value in excess of the optimal investment scale when firms are using information-sensitive debt contracts, and through alleviating the limitations imposed by the no-information-production constraint when firms are using information-insensitive contracts. Appropriate levels of tax and guarantee help the economy achieve the socially optimal allocation. When the government has incentive to renege on its commitment, a negative shock to collateral quality can catalyze a crisis due to equilibrium collapse prompted by a breakdown of trust. Transition to a market-based insurance system and a debt swap program represent two avenues to address the financial crises.